2022-02-24 08:34:44clydesm2

令人無言的爆紅事物 第一名是大家愛的...



對此yamNews於5月14日18時至5月21日18時,舉行「台灣莫名爆紅事物點評 你認為哪個最令人無言?」yamVote投票,結果由髒髒包(19%)奪冠,成為最令人無言的爆紅事物。


圖/yamNews 製作。






Precision Sleeve Dipole Antenna
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Precision Sleeve Dipoles are omnidirectional antennas with a low VSWR and an electric dipole pattern that resembles a half-wave resonant dipole. The antenna can be end-fed thanks to the sleeve dipole design, which eliminates cable and feed point interactions that can degrade antenna performance and reduce cable interaction.

The dipoles have a nominal 50-ohm impedance, a one-watt maximum continuous transmit power, and Female SMA connector - Custom N-Female Connector - please contact us for details info-tw@ft168.com.tw

Gain, VSWR, max. ripple and measurement uncertainty values are provided with each calibration.


文章出自: http://n.yam.com/Article/20180525102662