If I make a decision to break up with him, I will bring him this Candigans’s song...... Communic...
Someone said Yesterday is history Tomorrow is mystery Today is a gift, that’s why it is called t...
My feeling is so strange that, I feel like being a tiny little thing hidden in an odd corner of yo...
What can I do now? Pray? Pray for a planned fate? Flying high, flying low, Where are we flying...
Apple (09:51 AM) : 你的將來在你自己的手上 它從來都不在/不應在其他人身上 孑然一身的日子是很舒服...
Angus (02:56 PM) : Hope you are fine. And I believe no matter what is ur decision, you will be fi...
少明 (03:12 PM) : 但係我真係唔太鍾意而家0既生活 太......悶啦 Clotho (03:14 PM) : 我明 Clo...
生來便不是camera face﹕左邊面跟右邊面不對稱、眉毛一高一低、膚色總是偏黃不夠白晢……加上自知不會擺pos...
自從這半年來愛上存在主義哲學之後,我看書和買書的數量是前所未有的多。我有時間和精神花在看 (這類的) 書...
與他一起這麼多年來,未曾拍過一張正式的合照 (貼紙相應該不算正式吧),想起也覺得怪。我告訴他我買了新相機...
一向不喜歡照相的我,,買了一部新的數碼相機。 引起我買相機的衝動,可說是因為空虛,是記憶的空虛。每當...