2005-06-06 08:49:26clisland

省思雜記 2005/04/25

探究訓練模式 (Inquiry Training)
1. 重點摘要
a. 目的在於教導學生如何調查並解釋不尋常的現象,探索預先選好的領域:
(1) 由老師編好的教學單元
(2) 由學生認定的題目
b. 創發者 Richard Suchman (1962)分析物理學家的研究活動而創發。
c. Schlenker(1976)發現探究訓練能夠產生:
(1) 對科學的更進一步了解
(2) 再創造性思考上的生產性
(3) 獲得並分析資訊上的技巧
d. Ivany(1969)與Collins(1969)認為,當下列情況發生時,探索訓練的教學法最能表現其特點:
(1) 當學生是強烈面對問題的時候
(2) 當真正的困惑產生時
(3) 當學生要用探索主題的材料是特別有教學性時
2. 對我的衝擊
3. 日後的規劃
在英文科的運用上,我覺得可以以探究訓練教學法的精神,設計活動讓學生分辨字根字首字尾的課程,因為英文單字的形成有不少是基於拉丁文、希臘文或法文的借用,為了能讓學生在記單字的時候不是死背,只要活用字根字首字尾的組合方式,即使是在看到新的生字也能夠分析推測出可能的意思。例如把同是in- de- ex-開頭的字列出來並附上中文意思,讓學生觀察分析每個字可能包含的相同元素是什麼,當然這也運用到了歸納法的使用,但我想這會比老師唸課本單字來的有效的多,學生在活動中自然也可以學習到不同的用法。

Inquiry Training
The following preliminary notes are intended as a preview guide for the video that was made by Dr. William M. Timpson and Dr. Barbara Nelson as part of the Advances in Instruction series, produced by The Office of Instructional Services, Fort Collins: Colorado State University, 1991. 4 of these videos were first viewed together at JSRCC in Dec., 1999.
Its content corresponds to Chapter 6 of Concepts and Choices for Teaching: Meeting the Challenges in Higher Education by William M. Timpson and Paul Brendel-Simso (Madison, WI: Magna, 1996): 101-104. This book was one of 3 read by faculty members of the JSRCC Professional Development and Renewal Committee and others for discussions in Fall, 1999.
Rather than being a knowledge fountain, let students wrestle with problems or puzzles and helping students to derive hypotheses and make discoveries.
Reynaldo Martinez gives students materials and a manual and asks students to figure out equipment on their own, providing safety is preserved. Let students make mistakes and research for themselves among plentiful resources.
For instance, offer a range of options and ask students which is the best one and why. Students work out logistics and criteria for selection together or solo and get critique of preferred solution from the teacher.
Demo: 12 raw eggs with paper and tape. One person acts as recorder to write the open-ended problem-solving process:
1. Defining the problem with alternatives
2. Develop hypotheses
3. Define and clarify hypotheses
4. Explore assumptions, implications, logical validity
5. Gather facts about hypotheses
6. Generalize a solution
Groups of 3-4: 1 gathers materials, 1 records
Eric Larsen uses 15 cups covered with masking tape to get students to deduce what’s in the paper cup. Barbara Nelson provided an essay question, a model answer, and 5 students answers—result is usually to demo full range of grading is possible and question wording is required to narrow subjectivity.
Nancy Wear notes that she likes to give hints to struggling groups. She realized that groups could work better if she gave more info up front.
Marty Klein talks about the "feeling of letting go" as students work in groups to answer critical reading questions in the text and her own. At first, students struggled with defining the problem but now they are asking questions to get details and assist defining the problem. Struggle is important for growth.
Timpson, after tossing eggs, summarizes the value of the discovery learning exercise. It’s fun but also involving.
Questions for Viewers
1. What does the teacher do in the demo?
2. What do you wish the teacher had done or not done during the demo.