2010-11-21 11:56:00Claudia

Wang Leehom Rocks Carbon-Neutral [新聞總匯]


Music meets environment in first carbonneutral concert

Source: Global Times [09:28 November 19 2010]

Comments By Jiang Wanjuan

Without specialized lighting or stage effects, singer Leehom Wang held an unplugged concert last week in Beijing for 600 fans.

The veteran singer and four-time Golden Melody Awardwinner went carbon neutral to make a stand for environmental protection.

Cooperating with outdoor-wear company Timberland, for whom Wang is the environmental protection spokesman and China Beijing Environmental Exchange (CBEE), a government-authorized platform for trading environmental equity, such as carbon, Wang's concert was able to achieve carbon neutrality.

Carbon credits were purchased for estimated emissions of Wang's concert, with the proceeds supporting an energy conservation and emission-reduction project in Central China's Hunan Province.

It was the first carbon neutral concert in China, according to CBEE'S Bi Jianzhong.
He explained that the publicized trade of carbon, which has just started in China and is common in the West, hoped to encourage individual businesses to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

The details of the energy saving and carbon reduction efforts behind the concert were shown during the event.

Staging, effects and tickets were all recyclable. Those attending were winners of an international T-shirt design competition with the theme of environmental protection.
Although only recently appointed spokesman, Wang has long promoted environmental protection in his music. His 2007 single "Change Me," which advocates changing yourself and the world, was re-leased in 2007 and remains a hit. Wang also lives an environmentally-friendly everyday life.

Since he released his first album 15 years ago, the 34-year-old has attended countless festivals and ceremonies, but seldom buys new clothes. Over 90 percent of his outfits either borrowed or rented. He has a secondhand car that he bought for his 33rd birthday and he carries soap when traveling so he doesn't use the hotel's.

"I think everyone can make the world a better place by changing his own behavior," Wang said. "Also, we can join in more environmental protection activities to encourage more people to get involved."


Wang Leehom Rocks Carbon-Neutral

November 18, 2010, 1:00 AM ET by Emily Veach 
The Wall Street Journal

Call it carbon-neutral marketing.

Timberland Co. and American-Chinese performer Wang Leehom teamed up to promote environmental awareness in Beijing with a carbon-neutral concert.

Mr. Wang, a pop-music star and actor now based in Taiwan (he appeared in Ang Lee’s ‘Lust, Caution’), became the latest celebrity to lend his name to the outdoor apparel and boot-maker’s Earthkeepers hero campaign earlier this year. Wyclef Jean is another celebrity Earthkeeper; he promoted relief and rebuilding efforts in earthquake-hit, flood-ravaged Haiti earlier this year. The concert last Thursday was a celebration of the company’s 10-year reforestation effort in China. Timberland planted its one millionth tree at the foot of the Great Wall in Beijing in April.

Timberland Chief Executive Jeff Swartz, who was in Hong Kong last week, said the concert was a bit of a “thumb in the eye to the activist world where perfect is the enemy of the good.” Putting on a show and having official carbon auditors isn’t really necessary, he said, but it draws attention in a different way.

“If we plant a million trees in a place where the desert is spreading and creating sand storms, [activists] think, ‘it’s good instinct but we can’t verify with science,” Mr. Swartz said.


Wang Leehom at China's first carbon-neutral concert

Timberland Backs China's First Carbon-Neutral Concert

Beijing Event Stars Environmental Advocate Wang Leehom

by Normandy Madden
Published: November 17, 2010

BEIJING (AdAgeChina.com) -- Timberland organized China's first carbon-neutral concert this month in Beijing for the American-Chinese singer-songwriter, director and actor Wang Leehom.

The concert is part of the Timberland Earthkeepers Nature Need Heroes campaign introduced by the outdoor wear manufacturer in September in Shanghai, where Timberland named Mr. Wang, 34, an "earthkeeping hero," a title also held by another musician, Wyclef Jean.

As part of the campaign, Mr. Wang updates an eco-oriented blog on a website, www.earthkeepers2010.com, launched by Timberland this year in English and Chinese. He was also a judge in a regional Timberland Earthkeeper T-shirt design contest this fall.

Over 600 fans, including design contest winners from Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, attended the Beijing concert, which was certified by the China Beijing Environmental Exchange. Concert posters will be recycled into shopping bags or folders, all display panels and set decorations were made from reclaimed wood, no disposables were used at the event and all food and beverages served were locally sourced or organic to cut down carbon footprint. All invitations and wrist bands were made of seed paper that grow plants and every concertgoer entered the venue with a wrist band which can be planted after the concert. Concertgoers were encouraged to carpool or use public transport.

In addition to hearing Mr. Wang, concert goers saw a grassroots band, Green Drummers Group, that uses recycled materials as instruments. The event was organized by Pegasus, an Edelman-owned marketing communications firm, Eastwei PR agency and the Click360 production house.

Mr. Wang has become an advocate of environmental friendliness, taking part in tree-planting events in Europe and Asia. He has auctioned his clothes to raise money to buy saplings and backed an eco-fund to support the revival of tree plantations in Taiwan. He also dedicated his 2007 album, "Change Me," to the theme of improving the environment.



On November 17, 2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Timberland News

For many years to spare no effort to actively promote the “guardian of the Earth” Green Community of the internationally renowned outdoor brand Timberland Tim Bo Lan work “Earth Hero” Leehom in Beijing Environment Exchange (CBEEX) witness, The Star Live in Beijing held a first carbon neutral country and concerts – Timberland Tim Bo Lan 2010 “Earth Hero competition to.” That night, Timberland Tim Parker President & CEO of Lan Jeffrey B. Swartz went to the site, and “Earth Hero” Leehom Wang, “compassionate Earth Contest” four winners, and the support of the global responsibility for more than 600 shopping “Earth Guardians “They were smooth low-carbon dreams, shopping experiences and share responsibility for low-carbon life experience. To celebrate the “Earth Hero” gathered, Wang also performed live, with many “Earth Protector” were singing voice of low-carbon environment, the successful completion of China’s first carbon-neutral concerts. The carbon neutral concerts, Timberland Tim Parker is not only low-carbon action Lan another practice, and awakened the crowd of low-carbon environmental awareness, we are more determined resolve to protect the green earth, I believe there will be more and more people will to protect the Earth’s ranks.