2007-10-12 21:34:17Miss YOU

IMTD 實習周記 1009


*Project Progress*
This Friday is the D-Day; the sixth Japan-Korea Dialogue will take place from 5 pm to 7 pm on Friday, October 12, 2007. Unfortunately, the IMTD email system seemed to have some problems last week. I am not certain whether all the emails got to the intended students. I will need to re-send the emails and get a confirmation as soon as possible.


上星期三去了War College美國國防大學,很漂亮的地方,背著波多馬克河面向一大片草地,剛好遇到一架軍用直昇機起飛,很酷!

*News about Northeast Asia*
After the summit between two Koreas, South Korea is now trying to strengthen this peace accord with North Korea. On Thursday October 4, President Roh Moo Hyun of South Korea and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, agreed to pursue a peace treaty to replace the current armistice that ended the Korean War of 1950-53, and to seek a meeting of parties to the cease-fire to discuss the matter. South Korea sent a special envoy to the US and other involved countries such as Japan and China the day after two leaders reached the agreement. The end of Korean War and the reunification have to be a multilateral agreement.
(Source: International Herald Tribune http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/10/05/asia/korea.php)

Meanwhile, Japan decided to extend its sanction on North Korea for another 6 months. The current economic sanction includes the closure of the ports to North Korean ships and also the prohibition of imports from North Korea. This sanction was first placed last October after North Korea’s nuclear test and has been renewed for the second time. Japan complained that North Korea has done little in the abduction cases and Tokyo has refused to provide aid under the disarmament accord, trying to make North Korea take action.
(Source: Internatinal Herald Tribune http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/10/08/asia/AS-GEN-Japan-NKorea-Sanctions.php)

Powerful typhoon Krosa, which means crane in Cambodian, stroke Taiwan and South-east China. Five people died and about 52 people are injured. It also caused landslides and flooding. It is estimated that Krosa has cost China more than 600 million USD.
(BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7033495.stm)