2007-05-02 00:36:46Miss YOU


Friday afternoon, I went to the Voice of America with SangCheol, a new Korean boy in the ISH. Voice of America (VOA) is a US government funded radio company. It broadcast in 45 languages around the world. The radio cannot be heard inside the US because of the nature of this radio. It is interesting to see how they work and learn about its history.

After the tour, SangCheol and I went to the museum for a while. There is the only one Da Vinci painting in America. It is quite amazing. I like the National Gallery of Art very much and the most important thing is that it is free! Afterwards, we had an afternoon tea in Teaism; I had a bubble tea(珍珠奶茶~~)and a Hungarian tea cake. I had a lot of fun.

星期五晚上,我看完Indiana Jones第二部電影之後,去跟亞洲幫成員集合。因為今天下午在我跟尚喆(SangCheol)去美國之音(Voice of America)閑晃的時候,直美小姐、Toshi大哥跟忠容(ChungYong)租了車子去韓國超市買了星期天壽司派對的材料跟其他好吃的東西。忠容跟直美小姐都買了好大一箱的韓國泡麵,直美小姐買了Choco Pie給我,因為我前兩天一直喊著:「嗚~~哪裡可以買到Choco Pie?」直美小姐在韓國超市很細心地想到我就買給我解解饞,超感動還要開心的呢。不過重頭戲是,他們買了韓國米酒喔!所以星期五晚上,亞洲幫當然要努力品嘗韓國米酒啦。

韓國米酒有蠻多種的,他們買到兩種,咚咚酒(Dong Dong Ju)是比較高級的米酒,聽說是米佔了百分百,另一種是Makgeoli,不是百分之百的米酒,釀的時候是米加上水來發酵的。後來我看到咚咚酒的名字來自於倒酒的時候會有咚咚聲,所以叫做咚咚酒。這兩種酒都是米白色、濁濁的,因為有些沉澱物,倒酒前都要搖一搖,口感很特別,有點酸酸甜甜的感覺,呵呵,讓我想到外婆的酒釀。Makgeoli酒精濃度不會很高,因為是甜酒所以很順口,結果Toshi大哥不小心就喝太多啦!(繼Jens的掰掰派對之後,Toshi再度大爆走。)大家在地下室唱歌,Toshi也貢獻了哆啦ㄟ夢(Doraemon)的主題曲,HongKeun彈著他的吉他,韓國男生都輪番獻唱,大家都很開心,只有直美小姐醉倒在沙發上。(哈哈。)


Uncle 2007-05-02 10:20:50


兩個的口感不一樣 味道也不同
2007-05-07 00:36:56