2005-01-28 02:54:28

英式早餐~Full English Breakfast

Full English Breakfast

這是一般餐廳或是Pub酒吧會提供的英式早餐 (全天都有提供)

Scramble Egg / Fried Egg / Boiled Egg.. (炒蛋, 煎蛋, 水煮蛋)
Bacon (煎培根)
Sausage (香腸)
Black Pudding (羊血糕--- 這是傳統的蘇格蘭高地食物,以前的做法是用羊胃灌入米後封口蒸熟)
Beans in Tomato Sauce


以下有英文的簡介,節錄至cook book 網站

Posted on 2001-03-28 17:22:49

Here are the ingredients you will need (per person) - vary according to size of belly, time of day (this meal is not just for mornings you know), sex, size of hangover etc.

1 Sausage (a proper one - not a slim sack of breadcrumbs)
2 rashers Smoked Bacon (Dry Cured - otherwise they shrink to the size of a stamp and exude a disgusting white deposit)
Some black pudding cut into fairly thick slices
1 egg (Fresh and free-range, straight out of the chicken if possible)
1 mushroom (Sliced Field mushrooms taste gorgeous, button mushrooms don’t taste)
1 tomato (If you can’t grow your own then prepare to be amazed as the tomato vanishes before your very own frying pan)
1/2 can beans in tomato sauce (Remember: Beanz Meanz Heinz - no cheap rubbish)
2 reasonably thick slices of fresh bread
Butter and vegetable oil
Please note that this is NOT a great meal for vegetarians. Whilst I will go to great pains for any meal to keep the veggies happy, for breakfast they just get a subset (and perhaps a Linda McCartney burger).

This is a sort of ”Idiots Guide” to the fry-up (the way I cook it).
As most of the technique to cooking up a good breakfast is about timing, you might expect this article to help with this aspect. It doesn’t. I had to learn it by trial and error and so should you. This is merely a set of tips, as the title says, a ”Rough Guide”.
If you do a quick word-count on this recipe you’ll find that fry, frying, fried and oil are used often. This meal cannot be eaten regularly as part of a healthy diet. That is, of course, why it is so tasty and so popular.
Such is life.

Start with the beans. Cook them slowly on the hob - NOT in the microwave. As you prepare the rest of the meal give them an occasional stir to stop them cementing to the bottom of the pan. The tomato sauce should gradually reduce and thicken a little. When you’re ready to serve them add some butter (to taste - careful) and stir in to make the sauce rich and yummy.
Ok, the sausages and bacon; These taste nicer (stronger) if fried, but if you eat this meal more than once a fortnight, your better off at least grilling the sausages or moving nearer to a hospital. Grill SLOWLY. Sausages first (the bacon won’t take as long to cook).
The black puddings should be fried, be careful not to burn them, it can be difficult to tell. Do these last (with the eggs).
The mushrooms should be fried in a little oil and a little butter.
The tomatos can either be fried in a little oil or grilled on both sides, until soft.

Now then; The difficult bit. What to do with the bread and eggs. We have various options:
1. Fry the egg in oil (quite a lot of oil - heated first) and toast the bread, or even fry it in the same oil as the bacon (if you fried the bacon).
2. Make scrambled eggs (I always get Iz to do this - she makes perfect scrambled eggs creep creep). See 1. for bread.
3. Make eggy-bread. There are many ways to do this but the easiest way is to break the eggs into a bowl and whisk them lightly. Dip each round of bread into the egg (give it a good soaking) and fry it on both sides (preferably in the bacon fat).

Serve this on a big plate with some brown sauce, tomato ketchup and tea/coffee.



2007-08-21 08:36:46


謝謝來訪! :)

英式早餐我還蠻喜歡吃的...主要是很大一盤..又營養 ^^

( 小 葵 ♥ 2007-08-15 17:18:51
