2012.5.27 糧倉開門 Sugar Mill at WanHua
bilingual travellog 3
這一站 萬華糧倉開門。 可是看了友站親子遊的相簿後,想要去的地方。
This stop is a sugar mill at WanHua. We have planned to come here since we looked at those photos taken by one of our friends. The two costumes belong to Green Snake and White Snake from Chinese folklore.
Don't know what this elephant is for. (though it's really pretty.) We haven't seen the SUPER FANTASTIC WHITE SNAKE FOLKLORE)
道具.. 很可愛說~ 管理員北北還特地打開燈讓我們照相。
One of the props they used on stage. It's really cute. The prop keeper turned on the lights in order for us to take a clearer picture of it.
我和大佛像。 (也是道具)
Me and Buddha. (It's like a standing board with the figure of Buddha)
The outside of the sugar mill. Basically, it is right next to a park.
很認真的畫圖喔。 一進來駐衛警就給我們圖畫紙。
I was drawing very seriously. We were given a piece of paper as soon as we stepped inside.
It's a self snapshot with a locomotive.
很讚的人偶。 超炫白蛇傳的賣點。
It's a great figure doll of the main character from the White Snake Folklore show.
This place is gorgeous. People can relax and enjoy the props and costumes of Ming Hwa Yuan.(A Taiwanese Opera Organization)
Sugar Mill at WanHua
地址(Address): 台北市萬華區大理街132號。(中國時報旁邊的公園)
上一篇:2012.5.27 林語堂故居 The Lin YuTang House + 陽明山夜景 Mt. Yang Ming
下一篇:2012.6.03 台北藝術大學 TNUA + 草山行館 Caoshan Presidential Resort.
想說去朝聖一下,發現... 沒有半個人XD
警衛都在玩手機打發時間呢~.~ 2012-05-31 23:19:31