2012.5.27 林語堂故居 The Lin YuTang House + 陽明山夜景 Mt. Yang Ming
bilingual travel log 2
第一站~ 林語堂故居~ 入內30元可以抵消費喔~
The first stop - The Lin YuTang House - Admission fee 30 NTD. (Anything purchased in this residence can be discounted by 30 NTD with the admission ticket.)
很老的樹,樹根交錯,錯綜複雜。 很有FU~~~
An old tree with intertwined roots, which gives off a nostalgic vibe.
A view from the residence. Everything becomes so tiny and small.
林先生的客廳。 擺設很多發明。
His living room with a lot of his personal creativity and inventions.
Guelder[ˋgɛldɚ] roses at Bamboo Lake.
海芋 在多霧傷感的時節裡。
Callas.. a large number of them standing and waving in the foggy and sentimental weather.
Lovely red bean and flower.
文化大學之情人坡 下午等天黑中...
Lovers Ramp at the University of Chinese Culture. The dark is approaching very slowly.
天黑ing... Iso 調最低也只能這樣了= =
It's getting darker and darker. This picture was taken with the lowest ISO value.
Taipei 101 is right ... over there!!
誰說夜景要去香港 紐約看的~.~
We have the best night view in the World. If you come to Taipei, remember to pay Lovers' Ramp a visit.
營業時間(Business Hours):上午十時至晚間九時 10:00am-9:00pm 週一休館closed on Monday.
電話:02-2861-3003 傳真:02-2861-9337
入園費:30元 Admission fee 30 NTD
陽明山採繡球花Mt. Yang Ming
地址(Address):竹仔湖 頂湖
陽明山夜景(Night view)
花跟人的臉在比大@@ 2012-05-31 21:07:09