2004-11-10 07:50:56尚未設定

Team America:World Police(18禁)

"Alright, team. That's it. We've got a job to do. Let's go police the world!"

喜歡South Park電影版South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (1999) 的人都
曾經歷以下三個階段:震驚、狂笑、欲罷不能,Team America:World Police也帶來同樣效果。

擔任本片製作、編劇、原聲帶編寫、配音、演唱的Matt Stone還有Trey Parker再度發揮語不驚人死不休的魅力與鬼才,原本打算將「明天過後」逐幕改拍成木偶版電影的念頭因擔心牽涉版權問題而作罷,改以諷刺好萊塢影星亂放炮發表政治觀點為主,反恐戰爭雖不受歡迎確是必要做法為副,再加上北韓頭目金正日放鯊魚咬聯合國武器督察員Hans Blix,以及手拿熱狗全身沾滿芥末醬,最後變成自殺炸彈客的麥可摩爾,還有極為搶戲首首精采的配樂,以及既然已經是限制級乾脆豁出去的木偶床戲(*註1),在在讓人大呼過癮。

擅長藉由表面上看似狂放不羈的自由派式劇情傳達保守派訊息的Matt Stone還有Trey Parker,在播了八季的South Park中全部包辦幕後工作,也反映時事揶揄了不少名人,從某年萬聖節的"芭芭拉史翠珊恐怖版本"到開口閉口"You are ignorant"的麥可傑克森,「將時事放大嘲諷」的劇情讓人在捧腹之餘也檢視社會謬相背後的省思,如「Queer eye for the straight guy」帶來的metrosexual風潮到底是好是壞,以及最近的一集以南方小鎮校內吉祥物選舉來帶出泡芙老爹代言MTV台的「Vote or Die」過火謬論,又或是純粹「看不慣就整死你」的無厘頭趣味,如前幾年與Trey Parker共同入圍奧斯卡最佳電影主題曲,最後成為該獎項得主的Phil Collins,就在某一集裡尾端被插著小金人,還有已經過氣的Fleetwood Mac女主唱Stevie Nicks變成一隻羊....這些都只是冰山一角,其不斷翻新的笑點與一針見血的見解,讓South Park播到第八季仍然位居喜劇主流。

Matt Stone與Trey Parker戲稱在Team America開拍不久後檢視毛片,認為木偶動作僵硬,表情呆滯,效果實在不好,但在配上Jerry Bruckheimer(*註2)式電影配樂後就很像一回事,直逼好萊塢A級動作片品質,他們揶揄好萊塢之餘還捧到自己的作品,還真是一對寶。本片一開場五分鐘內就差不多得罪所有人,先是在開炸恐怖分子時"不小心"也炸了巴黎鐵塔、它倒下來時又壓到凱旋門,然後羅浮宮也遭殃,後來又在埃及"不小心"炸了人面獅身像,真不只是「死小孩」三字可形容。
片中被糗到不行的名人有亞歷包德溫、西恩潘、提姆羅賓斯、海倫杭特以及麥特戴蒙,這些反戰藝人中最火爆的西恩潘得知後當然怒不可抑地公開抨擊Matt Stone與Trey Parker,這兩個早已習慣此等反應的人還感謝西恩潘提供的免費宣傳。

曾因South Park電影版South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut兩首主題曲
"Uncle fucka"和"Blame Canada"入圍奧斯卡的Trey Parker,
這次更上一層樓分別寫出歌舞劇、鄉村、搖滾、成人抒情甚至韓國組曲等風格互異的歌曲,熟知South Park風格的人一定也猜到這些旋律優美的曲調搭配著令人捧腹的歌詞,比起其他只用音樂來串場的電影,Team America:World Police果真是值回票價。




Matt Stone與Trey Parker擅於用淺顯字句來表達艱深道理,以下為片中兩段傳達反恐戰爭雖不受歡迎確是必要的對白,心臟弱者不宜閱讀。

Drunk's speech:
Bein' a dick ain't so bad. See, there are three kinds of people: Pussies, that think everyone can get along; and dicks just wanna fuck all the time without thinkin' it through; but then you got your assholes, Chuck, and all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, Chuck. And if they didn't fuck the assholes, do you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!

Gary's Conclusion Speech:
We're reckless arrogant stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks, but dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes who just wanna shit on everything. Pussies may think that they can deal with assholes their way, but the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much, or fuck when it isn't appropriate, and it takes a pussy to show 'em that. But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves. Because pussies are only an inch and a half away from assholes. I don't know much in this crazy crazy world. But I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're gonna have our dicks and our pussies all covered in shit.


*註2:Jerry Bruckheimer為好萊塢重量級製片,其最知名作品包括很古早的「捍衛戰士」、「空中監獄」、「世界末日」到現在的電視劇之王「CSI:Crime Scene Investigatin」。

*Team America:World Police一刀未剪版本一區DVD將於2005年3月發行。