2011-02-17 07:51:34Cz • W

Last Math Quiz Mark

Our Math teacher showed us our marks from last quiz.


I got a hundred!!

My friens' marks were great too~~

One of them got 81,

and another one got 90.

They r really happy~~~

I'm glad for them too~~~~ ((:


I had another classmate,

he got 97.

One of my friends and I couldn't believe.

He sat next to me before,

when we had quizzes,

he always asked me help him,

tell him what's the answers.

He didn't get really great mark even I helped him,

so I could't believe he got 97 this time.


why I am being an evil person?

We are classmates,

I should believe him and be proud of him.



Julie Chang 2011-02-26 20:51:04

Just don't want u 2 b 2 arrogant, perhaps.
haha : )
keep doing well lah ^ ^

I will:)
2011-03-10 07:43:51
 Julie Chang. 2011-02-20 15:33:50

hey girl,
nice of u <3

Why my Mom didn't say the same thing to me?
2011-02-21 14:40:42