2004-10-19 18:37:21che


Dear Guys,
I am so so sorry havnt been visit or post any texts recertly!
as u know, i went back to taiwan during the summer time...so,i didnt need to post anything which i have done with most of you!
However,i have been back for almost 6or 7 weeks but still have no internet in the house...as the result, i cannot type in chinese, and u know, m a lazy person to type it in english...so, i would leave it till i can get the net in the house!
How’s ur life going?hope u guys all doing well with both studying and social events(i m sure u r all busy at such kind of thing!)
anyway, take care and to whom i havnt catch up for a while, i am so sorry but will try do my best!
love u all

