2012-12-05 10:05:33香港公司優勢

How to Invest in China after “12th Five-Year Plan” Launched?

How to Invest in China after “12th Five-Year Plan” Launched?

China Trade Development “12th Five-Year Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) has published the full text on the site of Chinese government this month. This is the first national domestic trade development plan since China’s reform and opening up. Purposes of planning will help to guide the behavior of the main players in the market and expand consumption for the majority of overseas investors. It is foremost a good news.

Focus on the development of 18 projects
According to the content of the plan, China’s trade will focus on the development of 18 projects during the "12th Five-Year" period, including:
?Promoting trade with the rich side of the market engineering 
?Ten Thousand Villages markets
?Residential commercial demonstration project 
?Circulation of agricultural products backbone network construction project
?Family Services system project 
?Breakfast demonstration project
?Living services industry gathering innovative demonstration project 
?Production services industry innovation demonstration project
?Small and medium circulation enterprises service system construction projects 
?E-commerce demonstration project
?Urban logistics system demonstration project 
?Renewable resource recycling system construction project
?Automobile cycle consumption and promote project
?Energy saving and environmental protection of retail
?Market regulation system works 
?Flow back system construction project for meat, vegetables and wine
?“Safe Meat” service system construction projects 
?Domestic trade regulation and public service system construction projects
Ten Thousand Villages markets, breakfast demonstration and e-commerce demonstration are the key projects in the past, specified in the plan are the continuation of these policies and also show the determination of the Government to further the development of livelihood projects. In addition, the proposed planning project of the circulation industry setting goal, and promoting trade with the rich side of the market is also reflected some innovative.

Deepen trade reform and opening up
Plan makes a comprehensive planning for the development of domestic trade during the “12th Five-Year”, explicitly proposed improving the level of opening up, promote the coordinated development of domestic and foreign trade mission. According to the plan content, then China will further optimize the structure of foreign investment, improve quality of foreign investment, to guide more overseas investment in central and western regions and community business. In the same time, China will also give the implementation of equal treatment for domestic and foreign-funded enterprises in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, creating a decent investment environment for domestic and foreign investment.
In the area of cooperation between domestic and foreign trade, plan encourages domestic and foreign enterprises to carry out investment cooperation and supports the merger and reorganization between domestic and foreign trade enterprises. The plan also encourages strong e-commerce platform to carry out domestic and foreign trade transactions, and will focus on fostering the ability to integrate a number of industry chain, the combination large circulation enterprise groups of domestic and foreign trade and the trading market with a certain proportion of foreign goods.
At the same time, in order to ensure the implementation of the effect, the plan also proposed protection of measures perfect the system of regulations and standards, and support efforts to increase the taxation and pricing policies, innovative financial support policies, strengthen theoretical study and training of personnel, to establish the statistical evaluation system.

In the current context of the foreign trade slowdown, the plan purposes will effectively revive the Chinese domestic demand, and tap the potential of the Chinese market consumption capacity. Overseas investors can use this as an opportunity to combine the Chinese government’s policy-oriented, vigorously develop the Chinese market.

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