2003-08-20 13:54:09charlessu



積極開放、有效管理 Proactive liberalization with effective management
戒急用忍政策 The "no haste, be patient" policy
小三通 "Mini-three-links"
多經濟、少政治,多接觸、少誤會,多信任、少打壓 More economics, less politics; more communication, less misunderstanding; more cooperation, less intimidation.
「建設性的合作」取代「排他性的對抗」 Replacing "antagonistic exclusion" with "constructive cooperation"
建設性的合作關係 A relationship of constructive cooperation
「善意和解、積極合作、永久和平」的精神 [in the] or [a]
spirit of goodwill, reconciliation, and permanent peace
三項認知、四項建議 "Three acknowledgements and four suggestions"
九二年的精神 The spirit of the 1992, referring to the 1992 Koo-Wang talks
or [in]
the spirit of the 1992 Koo-Wang talks.
不被矮化、不被地方化、不被邊緣化 The people of Taiwan will not be downgraded. We will not be treated as a local government. [and] Taiwan will no longer be marginalized.
台灣優先、經濟優先、投資優先 [On the principle that ]
Taiwan comes first, our economy comes first, and investment comes first.
Or Putting Taiwan first, the economy first, and investment first.
台灣優先、全球佈局、互惠雙贏、風險管理 1. Putting Taiwan's interest first, while maintaining a global perspective
2. [In order to attain] Mutual benefit with sound risk management
戰鬥內閣 A proactive Cabinet
人權立國 A nation founded upon the principles of human rights
Building our nation upon the principles of human rights
國家人權委員會 National Human Rights Commission
年輕台灣、活力政府 A youthful Taiwan [and] an energetic government.
深耕台灣,佈局全球 Richly cultivating Taiwan while reaching out to the world
or [with the aim of ] "cultivating localization while promoting globalization" for Taiwan.
綠色矽島 [a] [the] green silicon island
知識經濟 [a] knowledge-based economy
志工台灣 Volunteer Taiwan
新中間路線 (Forging/Finding/Taking) *depending on context
[A] or [The] new "middle road"
台灣精神 The Taiwanese spirit or "the spirit of Taiwan"
Note: The first usage carries a somewhat ethnic connotation. The second is more nationalistic.
經發會 Economic Development Advisory Conference
要穩定、大改革、拚經濟、掃黑金 [With] Political stability, comprehensive reform, economic revitalization, and eradication of "black gold" politics [being the goal]
查賄選、掃黑金 [A crackdown] or [Cracking down] on vote-buying and "black gold" politics.