2011-09-13 10:19:07kao1306

Twitter Tweets - ZenMasters #2 (祖堂集 #2)

Twitter Tweets - ZenMasters #2 (祖堂集 #2)

Your Mind Cannot Be Pacified By Others! @ZenMasters Sen Guan stood through the midnight, the snow was up to his waist. Taking a sharp knife severed his left arm, putting it in front of Bodhidharma. The Master told Sen Guan: “All Buddha and Bodhisattva seeking the dharma, do not take the body as the body, do not take the life as the life. Although you severing the arm to seek the dharma, may also be as well.”Then changed Sen Guan's name to Hui Ke. Hui Ke asked: "Please, give me peace of mind!” The Master said, “Bring that mind, I will calm it down!” Replied, “I search for it everywhere, but I cannot find it!” The Master said, “Can it be your mind if you find it?  I have already pacified it for you!”

Twitter Tweets - 祖堂集 #2

別人豈能安汝心! @祖堂集 神光立經子夜,雪乃齊腰。取利刃自斷左臂,置於師前。師語神光:“諸佛菩薩求法,不以身為身,不以命為命。汝雖斷臂求法,亦可在。”遂改神光名為惠可。又問:“請和尚安心?”師曰:“將心來,與汝安心。”進曰:“覓心了不可得。”師曰:“覓得豈是汝心?與汝安心竟。”