2011-08-18 07:56:22kao1306
FB Post: Dhammapada Part 2
FB Post: Dhammapada Part 2
Do You Make For Yourself An Island? @Dhammapada By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm.
Have You Gone Beyond Merit And Demerit? @Dhammapada There is no fear for an Awakened One, whose mind is not sodden (by lust) nor afflicted (by hate), and who has gone beyond both merit and demerit.
Is Your Mind Ill-Directed? @Dhammapada Whatever harm an enemy may do to an enemy, or a hater to a hater, an ill-directed mind inflicts on oneself a greater harm.
Do Your Action Doing Make You Repent Later? @Dhammapada Well done is that action doing which one repents not later, and the fruits of which one reaps with delight and happiness.
Have You Destroyed Your Innate Goodness? @Dhammapada To his own ruin the fool gains knowledge, for it cleaves his head and destroys his innate goodness.
Have You Already Broken All Ties? @Dhammapada The fever of passion exists not for him who has completed the journey, who is sorrowless and wholly set free, and has broken all ties.
Is Your Reciting Meaningful? @Dhammapada Better than reciting a hundred meaningless verses is the reciting of one verse of Dhamma, hearing which one attains peace.
Have You Conquered Yourself? @Dhammapada Though one may conquer a thousand times thousand people in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself.
Have You Ever Lived One Day Wise And Meditative? @Dhammapada Better it is to live one day wise and meditative than to live a hundred years foolish and uncontrolled.