2011-08-17 09:51:29kao1306
FB Post Dhammapada Part 3
FB Post Dhammapada Part 3
Have You Ever Seen The Rise And Fall Of Things? @Dhammapada Better it is to live one day seeing the rise and fall of things than to live a hundred years without ever seeing the rise and fall of things.
Have You Attained Happiness? @Dhammapada One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter.
Have You Overcomed Doubt? @Dhammapada Neither going about naked, nor matted locks, nor filth, nor fasting, nor lying on the ground, nor smearing oneself with ashes and dust, nor sitting on the heels (in penance) can purify a mortal who has not overcome doubt.
Is Your Body Lasting Or Stable? @Dhammapada Behold this body -- a painted image, a mass of heaped up sores, infirm, full of hankering – of which nothing lasting or stable.
Do Your Wisdom Grow? @Dhammapada The man of little learning grows old like a bull. He grows only in bulk, but his wisdom does not grow.
Do You Possess Insight? @Dhammapada Blind is this world; here only a few possess insight. Only a few, like birds escaping from a net, go to the realms of bliss.
What State Will Your Own Deeds Lead You To? @Dhammapada Just as rust arising from iron eats away the base from which it arises, even so, their own deeds lead transgressors to states of woe.
Do You Become Accomplished? @Dhammapada Not by mere eloquence nor by beauty does a man become accomplished, if he is jealous, selfish and deceitful.
Do You Live Meditatively? @Dhammapada Wisdom springs from meditation, without meditation wisdom wanes. Having known these two paths of progress and decline, let a man so conduct himself that his wisdom may increase.