2011-07-02 13:32:12kao1306

Twitter Tweets - Holy Koran (Part 1)

 Twitter Tweets - Holy Koran (Part 1)

kao1306 cckao 
Peaceful Coexistence Is Necessary! @Koran do not take the Jews & the Christians for friends; whoever takes them a friend, he is one of them
12 minutes ago 

kao1306 cckao 
Have You Ever Slain A Soul? @Koran whoever slays a soul..as though he slew all men & whoever keeps it alive..as though he kept alive all men
22 minutes ago 

kao1306 cckao 
Ridiculous Statements! @Koran If you will stretch forth your hand toward me to slay me,I'm not to stretch forth my hand toward you to slay u
32 minutes ago 

kao1306 cckao 
A God Without Wisdom Leads People Toward Darkness! @Koran brings them out of utter darkness into light by His will&guides them to right path
41 minutes ago 

kao1306 cckao 
No, Wash Your Heart, First! @Koran when rise up to prayer,wash your faces your hands..the elbows&wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles
50 minutes ago 

kao1306 cckao 
Allah Is A Brutal Mafia Or What? @Koran If He please,He can make you pass away,O people! and bring others;and Allah has the power to do this
1 hour ago 

kao1306 cckao 
Born Free, Born Equal! @Koran And you have it not in your power to do justice between wives, even though you may wish (it)...
1 hour ago 

kao1306 cckao 
Does This Includes Jesus Christ! @Koran whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is Allah's; and Allah encompasses all things
1 hour ago 

kao1306 cckao 
This Behavior Is Wrong & Like Animals! @Koran but if they turn back, then seize them&kill them wherever you find them, and take not a friend
1 hour ago 

kao1306 cckao 
Hurricane Is From Allah Or Yourself ? @Koran Whatever benefit comes to you is from Allah, whatever misfortune befalls you is from yourself
1 hour ago