In the beginning of change, the patriot is scarce and brave, hated and scorned. When his cause su...
Sam Shephard在接受BBC的訪談中,提到以各種方式「榮耀祖先」是很重要的。 If you don’t honor your an...
《 LAG 延遲 》 作 者: 謝承廷 類 別: 小說 出 版: 白象文化 出版日期: 2007/8/5 定...
Now it occured to me that perhaps this was what happened when cities died. They didn’t die with a b...
So, if you want to hurt me, talk badly about my language. Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic...
Le nom autorise le Je mais ne le justifie pas. (The name authorises the I but does not justify it.)...
A map can tell me how to find a place I have not seen but have often imagined. When I get there, fol...
關於母親的毀滅性,西方思想似乎比注重倫理的東方思想要實際得多。 舉個例子,在魯西迪的作品中,包括《午...
What is tradition? A higher authority which one obeys, not because it commands what is useful to us,...
There are no innocent periods of history. --James Clifford
The goal of all life is death. --Sigmund Freud
米蘭昆德拉曾經說過, 小說的誕生, 在於唐吉柯德某天向外看著這個世界, 發現他無法辨識, 因此將世界...
Now that you have come, I will dream in two languages. Now that you have come, I will live e...
政治參與者通常沒有看到一個問題, 而我敢說,這問題大概連政治家也沒看清楚。 那就是,其實根本沒有那麼...
"Saying is ehical sincerity insofar as it is exposition...Saying is what makes the self-exposure of ...