2007-04-05 11:59:43糖果


Andy 安迪

Andy is the owner of all the toys. He’s a kind-hearted, seven-year-old boy.
He’s also a seven-year-old boy, but is a bad kid. Andy loved his toys very much, but he separated the toys and made them into disgusting-looking ones.

It’s a cowboy toy, the main character of the film. He didn’t like Buzz Lightyear and was being a bit narrow-minded at first. But after they went through some difficulties, they became good friends.
Buzz Lightyear巴斯光年

As same as Woody, was a main character in “Toy Story”. He was full of sense of justice, and was very cute, too. What he liked to say is “fly to the universe, which is immense and not able to reach the end.” In Toy Story 1, he thought himself as a police officer in space and quickly replaced the time Woody had with Andy, so Woody didn’t really like him. But after they went through some difficulties together, they became very good friends.

Jessie was a cowgirl, who was very open. She was a member in “Woody’s roundup,” and was a collection of Ale’s. She went home with Woody in the end, and became a member in Andy’s family.
Old Miner老礦工

He was a member in “Woody’s roundup.” He tried to sacrifice Woody”s happiness for his own good. He was a bit sly and insidious.

He was the enemy of Buzz Lightyear. It was a bit scary. But he had a great time with ”the new Buzz Lightyear” in the end.
Mr. Potato馬鈴薯男士

He was a potato-shaped toy. The organs on his face could be dismantled easily. He liked to lead others. In toy Story 1, he misunderstood Woody and hated him a lot. But as it disappeared, they made up in the end.
Mrs. Potato馬鈴薯女士

As same as Mr. Potato, was a potato- shaped toy. The organs on her face could be dismantled easily, too. She was one of the last toys Andy received in Toy Story 1. She was being very, very nice to her husband.
和馬鈴薯先生一樣.在她的臉上的器官也可能容易被拆除.她是安迪在玩具總動員1 故事裡得到的最後玩具之一.它對她丈夫非常好.
Bo Peep

She’s a friend of Woody’s. She led six little sheep with her wherever she went.
它是胡迪的朋友.無論她去那裡,她與她領導6 只小綿羊。

His character is different from the dinosaur we used to think. His hand is short enough that he couldn’t even touch his own nose. So you can know that he must have been very cute and honest.

You’ll think that he’s very cute as you see its shape. He once used his fantastic ”Hamm’s skill” to fight against the enemy.
你一開始會認為當你看見它的形狀時,他非常伶俐.他曾經使用奇妙” 哈姆的技能” 與敵人作鬥爭
Slinky Dog彈簧狗

His head and tail are connected by a spring. And it can be a big help when somebody needs a rope.

He was a main character in Toy Story2. He was a crazy toy collector and was the owner of Ale Toy Store. He stole Woody in front of Andy’s yard and was going to sell the characters in “Woody’s roundup” to a museum in Japan to make some money. But at last, all the toys escaped.
他是在玩具總動員2裡的一個主要人物之一.他是一位發瘋的玩具收集家,並且是濃啤酒玩具商店的擁有人.他偷走在安迪碼的前面並且將要在oody roundupto出售性格做一些錢的一博物館在日本. 但是最後,全部玩具都逃走

三眼娃娃-Green Aliens
女牛仔:Jessie (翠斯)
綠色三眼外星人:Rex the Green Dinosaur
蕃薯人:Mr. Potato Head
隔壁鄰居殘暴小孩:Rex the Green Dinosaur
★↖安靜。↘☆ 2007-04-09 19:42:31

good~me to

2007-04-09 20:22:37
★↖安靜。↘☆ 2007-04-08 20:18:35


摁摁^^ 2007-04-08 22:20:27
*餅乾糖* 2007-04-05 19:38:08


咦?被發現哩! 2007-04-05 20:09:43