2014-03-27 15:37:21商務中心

The scenery poem picturesque, you

For myself, one of Su Yan 's words can be summarized: lazy, the disabled person is a. Then several other people have to admire Su Yan applauded, lost a lot of supercilious contempt for me.Flowers four seasons
Well, in fact, in my heart I also agree with Su Yan. Just in their own did not find the direction, I would not have killed weaken our morale, encourage Su Yan in their loss I this road momentum.Pitta and Kapha
To the second-class university accounting professional, but also because I fell asleep in the examination. The reason is that I am most irritated: the night my dear mother is one of her gallant men long confession, not to pull me let me talk to her to celebrate this great occasion. But I was also eighteen flower girl, although not say Ping Ping Ting Yuli, beautiful, but also a cheerful girl, but I have not been a boy like, so need I made for a night. So when I opened his dim eyes, saw the classroom in others have speed his pen to paper box office, I knew where my university is to.So sweet flowers falling
For me this university, in the later stage of female animal, especially a female animal active courtship, it's less important than her eyes that male animal lunch. So when the other students chest rise, strutting towards a new start in life, I would like to Perspiration came down like raindrops. behind them parents, his left hand holding my bulky luggage, carrying a mother and father to buy food hate not next step break under the three move into my university.The grass
Then, met with my mom as committed to damage our daily pleasure. Su Yan, from the northeast, don't see the name composed into a boudoir gentle woman, but the truth is that she is more of a man than my girl. But, fortunately, the Sumerians look that is a beauty, so the boys like her is still a dial-up wave. Huo Narcissus, well, every time a name I can't stop thinking about music, but whenever I show that a smile face, don't doubt Huo Narcissus eyes if throwing knives, I will become a heap of knife composed of flowers. So, jojoba is her name. I think he must have parents like watching "Oolong Chuang intelligence clearance" or like Ying Cao or the love Narcissus very, only so the best name. The next is me, why? Because I was the oldest of third. I'm rather adorable, my mother said when I was young I special screw, she and my dad was my bad temper of the bitter, just a bit of punitive to play this name. Chen Bei, male character name, is to let I bully that I also love, beauty, and under my "power", a Jiangnan delicate woman, became my "love princess".
Later, graduated and left me the most painful was not my love for three years, and the other girls fly far and high, let me in the graduation season break up season into a single elder sister. But, my dear fellow, we just strangers scattered in the corner of the motherland. Of course, this is something for the future, the story begins in this way when we met.Bitter who waiting