2016-07-27 15:32:19bryantlsoa88

台灣英文網 一對一線上英文 mountain artillery中文意思是什麼

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mountain artillery中文意思是什麼

mountain artillery解釋

山炮;山地炮兵。英文雜誌學英文 日檢定

  • mountain: n. 1. (比 hill 大的)山,山嶽;〈pl. 〉山脈。2. 〈the M-〉山嶽黨〈法國第一次革命時占據議會最高座位的左派政黨〉。3. 山一樣(巨大)的東西;大量。
  • artillery: n. 1. 大炮。2. 〈the artillery 〉炮兵,炮隊。3. 炮術;炮學。4. 〈美俚〉防身武器。5. 〈美俚〉(注射麻醉劑的)皮下注射器。6. 〈比喻〉口才,辯才。

  • Be honoured as the best unit in afforesting bare barren mountain

  • A number of alluvial fans along the base of a mountain may coalesce to form a continuous alluvial slope.

  • 2000 a famous nepalese alpinist climbs the mountain within 16 hours and 56 minutes. the world ' s fastest ascent

    2000年? ?尼泊爾著名登山家巴布?奇里從大本營出發由北坡攀登,耗時16小時56分登頂成功,創造了登頂的最快紀錄。
  • 1996 15 alpinists perished on the top of the mountain. one of the biggest sacrifice in the history of everest ascent

    1996年? ?包括著名登山家羅布?哈爾在內的15名登山者在登頂過程中犧牲,是歷史上攀登珠穆朗瑪峰犧牲人數最多的一年。
  • The altai mountains in southern siberia form the major mountain range in the western siberia biogeographic region and provide the source of its greatest rivers the ob and the irtysh


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    mountain artillery中文意思是什麼
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