2007-01-07 09:08:23紐約客

Let Go And Move Forward

Two months ago, a friend suddenly changed her mind and began her job seeking in Singapore. And there she is now working in Singapore as she wished. But she wasn’t happy.
She sms the previous colleagues the first day she commenced in the new office, saying that there are a lot to learn and she sold her first pair of spectacles. We were happy for her. And she sms us on the third day, saying that it was boring there. And she asked about the clinic. Then she asked about the clinic once again on the fourth day.
She sounded depressed in the emails she sent to me and also other colleague. I am worried about her. Why is she unhappy working in the new place? It is merely because she doesn’t like her new job or the working environment? Or she is still with us though she is hundreds kilometres away from us? Why is she so concern about the clinic, the old office?
My dear, if you are reading this blog, please think carefully. What you want actually? What made you tender your resignation in the first place? Why you want to go to Singapore? What is your plan if you quit the job? And lastly, the most important question you must answer honestly to yourself - Can you let go the clinic and move forward?
Your seniors in the clinic already knew how unhappy you are in the new working place. They will always welcome you back.

