2004-10-28 16:43:47bo*n_n*ie*’`’*-,_,☆
近呢幾個禮拜, 多野做到嘔~~~
剛剛完成了兩個mid-term (account + marketing), 同埋一篇essay (politics)...
明天還有一個價值25%的 mid-term (同exam所佔的比重一樣!!!), 那就是pol 306 foreign policies of major powers!!!!!
1) marketing game group report
2) marketing case presentation
3) comment group of public policy
4) presentation outline of public policy
1) presentation of public policy
2) business ethic group research paper
岩岩今日仲收到call 呢兩個星期要番DHC 上 training, train 足三日whole day 咁多!!! oh, my god~~~
剛剛完成了兩個mid-term (account + marketing), 同埋一篇essay (politics)...
明天還有一個價值25%的 mid-term (同exam所佔的比重一樣!!!), 那就是pol 306 foreign policies of major powers!!!!!
1) marketing game group report
2) marketing case presentation
3) comment group of public policy
4) presentation outline of public policy
1) presentation of public policy
2) business ethic group research paper
岩岩今日仲收到call 呢兩個星期要番DHC 上 training, train 足三日whole day 咁多!!! oh, my god~~~