2008-04-15 00:58:46小妹

A Brand New Day

It is a good sentence of ’A Brand New Day’.

Today, i made a decision for my online shop. The shop will be extend, also i will find more different kind of goods.

This serious decision was determined by Chun.

I feel disappointed on his study, he failed on his English and Chinese Test(both are 56/100). Maths 67/100, General Studies 90/100.

I’d pay more effort to do revision with him...... if his rank below 70 in his form, he will live with us. OR, i may resign my work soon.

Online shop -- a better working style to earn $ that without working hours.

Thus, i need to improve my skill in PhotoImpact (many fds tell me photoshop is better, moreover, i don’t know how to use)

yup, a brand new day, i should plan my future.

Tonight, i got my Ex email, it was his b’day on 11-4. He sent a greeting to me too....

Oh... too night la... i will work @ 8.15 tomorrow ar...

Good night, have a nice dream!!

