2007-02-06 09:16:07小妹


望月懷遠 張九齡
海上生明月, 生涯共此時.
情人怨遙夜, 竟夕起相思.
滅燭憐光滿, 披衣覺露滋.
不堪盈手贈, 還寢夢佳期.

Thinking of my Distant Friends amids the Moonlight ---Zhang Jiuling
The moon has risen fromt he sea,
This is the time I share with thee.
Lovers dread the endless night,
Longing for theirs not in sight.
I blow out the candle for I love moonlight more.
The dew dampens my clothes as I walk out the door.
I wish to give you a handful of this moonbeam,
But can’t, so I just hope to see you in my dream.

(Translation and painting by Dominic Man-Kit Lam)

