2009-07-13 20:11:30肥雪

Taiwan Apprentice Task 3 : Live on ICRT!!


Task # 3

Scenario:  You are the CEO of a large manufacturing company that has been based in Taiwan for over 30 years.  With rising labor and operating cost you are under pressure from your shareholders to relocate your manufacturing operations to a lower cost country such as Vietnam or China.  At the same time, you realize shutting your operations in Taiwan will cause great hardship for your current employees, many of whom have been with the company for over 20 years.  While it would be possible to remain in Taiwan, it would take substantial capital and human resource investment over the long-term and your bottom line would suffer. 
What is your decision -- bottom line or social responsibility?  Back up your answer with reasons addressing both your shareholders and current employees.

Good morning, this is Damian Cheng, candidate of Taiwan Apprentice. As the CEO of a long history and recently challenged factory, I clearly understand the situation that our company is now facing and every step I take will cause deep impact to our shareholders and employees. While I am given up two options of moving to other cheaper labor countries and of staying in the status quo, I would boldly say that I want them both. I would move our low end, uncompetitive and labor-oriented business to Vietnam and refocus our business in Taiwan as high end and high added value product provider. Before I start to do so, I would hold a meeting with board of directors, stating that this is a win or go home situation to us, as a captain of the whole ship, the way I choose would not only make us to survive but eventually triumph. Once I win their support, I would also speak openly to all our employees about our decision. Some employees might have to go to Vietnam as our core components there while some of our employees will have to receive advanced training to match our new production line. Some of them might have to take some days off if they fail to match our requirement, while eventually we would create more jobs if we successfully redefined ourselves as total solution provider to our customers. Our oversea factory can offer cheap and reliable merchandises and our Taiwan Company offers high quality and customized products. It is not a choice between responsibility to shareholder or society here but a win-win situation we are going to make, not to mention it is already too late for us in 2009 to move our whole incorporation to Vietnam or China since there are so many competitors there. We might be financially difficult in the beginning and we might be in a comparatively uncompetitive industry in Taiwan; however, there are so many examples that we can learn from like GIANT, Uni-president, Acer and Asus. These are winners in their own field and they all had the same dilemma as we have now. Therefore, I would choose to move our low end department to Vietnam and try to lift our product quality while at the same time lift our price and value, by doing so we can not only keep our workers but create more jobs. I am not going to tell our shareholders and employees reasons, I am going to tell them versions; versions of becoming leader of the industry, versions that are achievable. I am Damian Cheng, thanks for your listening.




Damian Cheng is 2009 Taiwan Apprentice!!

Dear IPPAMers & friends:
    Thank you for your great help, I have successfully been voted as 2009
Taiwan Apprentice!!I will then have interviews with top CEOs in Taiwan and
try my best to win their offers!I will write a report about all this!!
Without your help I would not have been here!!
Best Regards
                                                        Damian Cheng