2007-12-17 01:11:50Bluesyblue


The earliest observance of Thanksgiving on this continent was with special services in Virginia as early as 1607. The first Thanksgiving Festival began on December 13th in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. It started as a harvest festival with the people thanking God for giving them sufficient crops. That first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days with the people enthusiastically participating.

On June 20, 1676 the town of Charlestown, Massachusetts issued the First Thanksgiving Proclamation. By unanimous vote the governing council instructed the clerk, Edward Rawson, to proclaim June 29th as a day of thanksgiving.

George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789, the year of his inauguration as President of the United States of America. He called for another Thanksgiving Day in 1795. With other presidents and state governors proclaiming days of thanksgiving at various times there was no effort to organize a yearly Thanksgiving Day until Mrs. Sarah Joseph Hale started her crusade in 1827. It took thirty-six years to achieve victory when, in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln made his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. The nation has celebrated the special day ever since.

Today Thanksgiving Day is a legal holiday with most government and private employees being given the day off. Some companies and most schools also shut down the following Friday. Yes, the United States of America, for most purposes, observes Thanksgiving Day.

But, it appears that Thanksgiving Day, like most other national and religious holidays, has been highly commercialized, to the point that many people forget what we are supposed to be celebrating. If we were to survey people on the street and ask, "What stands out in your mind when you think of Thanksgiving Day", we would probably get answers like:turkey, dinner, pilgrims, fall, pumpkins, corn stalks, etc.

But, how many people on Thanksgiving Day actually pause and do what the name of the event suggests? What portion of the celebrators do stop to thank God for our nation and for all we have?

Psalm 105:1 commands us, "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done."

As we approach Thanksgiving Day, let’s not focus on the food, which are gifts. Let’s focus on the giver. Let’s thank God for all He has provided. Let’s call on His name and invite Him to be present at our table. Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving Day with grateful hearts.

最早的慶祝感恩節,這對大陸是有特殊服務,在弗吉尼亞州早在1607年。第一個感恩節開始, 12月13日在1621年在普利茅斯,馬薩諸塞州。它開始作為一個豐年祭與人民,感謝上帝給他們足夠的作物。第一次感恩節慶祝活動歷時3天,同人民群眾的熱情參與。

於1676年6月20日鎮的查爾斯頓,馬薩諸塞州發出第一個感恩節文告。全票通過該理事會指示秘書,愛德華rawson ,宣布6月29日作為一個感恩節。

喬治華盛頓發出了第一次全國感恩節文告,在1789年,這一年他的就職儀式,美國總統的美國。他呼籲另一種是感恩節,在1795年。與其他總統和州長宣布天的感恩節在不同的時間有沒有努力舉辦一次,每年感恩節,直到夫人莎拉約瑟夫黑爾開始她的十字軍東征1827 。花了三十六年,以達到勝利的時候,在1863年,林肯總統發表感恩節文告。全國慶祝特殊的日子至今。


但是,它似乎是感恩節,像其他多數國家和宗教節日,已經高度商業化,這點很多人忘了我們是為了慶祝。如果我們要調查的人就在街頭問, "有什麼立場,在您心目中的時候,你想到感恩節"的時候,我們可能會得到答案,例如:土耳其,晚餐,香客,秋天,南瓜,玉米秸稈等。


詩篇105:1命令我們: "感謝上帝,請他的名字;作出已知各國間他的所作所為" 。
