2018-03-04 17:08:17blackmarl

沃德直銷 Biozen—給您安心的保護 [影片]


沃德直銷公司 Biozen—給您安心的保護 [影片]

您知道嗎?我們每天都會受到電磁波這個看不見的敵人的傷害?大量的電波襲擊我們的身體,對我們體內的細胞造成傷害,壓力強度和情緒低落擴大。現在有一個解決方案。那就是沃德直銷公司 BioZen,第一個能夠減少電磁波有害影響的貼片。經過科學和醫學證明,BioZen保護您免於受到行動裝置的輻射傷害。它採用分層薄片技術中的創新方法,全天候積極保護您的身體免於受到電動裝置的影響。無論如何使用或為什麼使用您的裝置,BioZen都經過科學驗證,可以減少磁場梯度,抵制血液變化,降低身體的壓力。



Biozen - Find peace of your mind

Did you know that everyday we experience the fact of an invisible enemy called electric smog? A huge number of electrical ways hit our bodies, causing damage to ourselves and amplifying the stress and low-mood sensations. But there’s a solution. This is Biozen, the first sticker antenna that reduces the harmfully flexible electrical smog. Biozen is scientifically and medically proven to protect you against the mobile radiation. They uses the latest-generation technology to actively protect your body against all your electrically powered devices 24/7. No matter how or why you use the devices, Biozen is scientifically verified to reduce magnetic field radiants, defend against the changes in your blood profile, and lower your body stress levels. Here is how Biozen works. Our bodies use low frequency for internal communication, and a frequency that our cellphones emitted in this range continuously interfered with this communication. For example, an active phone call creates a low-frequency electric magnetic field enclosed to the sanity to the cellphone. It contains gaps and peaks which called the gradients. Biozen just the sample of piece that smooth the progressions that makes the electric magnetically field tolerable for our bodies. What is the result? Your body is under less stress, and as a protective way while using mobile devices. Biozen was recently approved as a classic I medical device in Europe, and it’s simple to use. Just place on any device that has a battery for that it emits radio frequencies. So what are you waiting for? Find peace of mind with Biozen.

@沃德 @直銷 @健康手環 @Biozen

原文網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ev-X1w7nfg&feature=youtu.be 沃德健康手環沃德直銷