這是一部2001年的電影作品,或許許多人已經在HBO上看過重播,但偶然寧靜的週末下午再次咀嚼,卻有深沉的感受 (...
如往年一般,我今年照例參加了書展 (20060211) keep update
年假的最後一天,終於如願和William,Joyce及Jack碰到面了 (20060205)我們這幾個朋友是大學時代認識的輔系同學...
從高雄回到台北後的第一餐便是在這家日式料理餐廳--和民料理 (20060202)錯過了前一次高中同學會的聚會後,我...
大哥是我的研究所同學,更正確地來說,他是我隔壁所同學 個性非常直爽,卻有說不上來的古道熱忱及訴不盡地背後...
Thanks Mark that all of us, including Emily, Wanda, Sandra ,Lori and I can get together again in the...
Happy New Year!!! Good news is that both Daddy, and Jeff are back to taiwan during chinese new year....
Look, the elites are all my colleagues^^ So proud of them.Folk DanceSamba...they're all spicy girls!...
My mentor told me that he would like to stay in tokyo for 2 more days suddenly and without precise s...
The first time I do really experience heavy snow. Dangerous, cold but beautiful and make me fall int...
Again, I met Will in Tokyo and had lunch with him in Ebisu Park. That's the first time I went there....
Haven't been to Japan for few months. I was asked to arrange a biz trip to Japan since last Dec., ho...
John's Birthday is coming, I have to host a party for him although he's not a really understanding m...
I have to say it is a crazy night!!!Vince is going to get married on the first week of Jan., thus, w...