2009-05-14 21:16:00Becky●貝基*


accumulated bad feelings is bad

because they burst out.

When they are finally provoked at its limit,

it shoots like a michine gun.

No, it wouldn't stop.

it just wouldn't stop.

no matter how hard you tried

it wouldn't stop

no, it wouldn't stop

till the last man died.

Or the other way around.

it surrounds you, circumscribe.

covers your eyes, you're blind

the darkness, and the fright,

they devour.

and you suddenly realize

and look for the happiness

look for the brightness that lead you

but it's too late

all gone,

all gone.

gone when you're surrounded, circumscribed.

gone when you're eyes coverd, you were blind.
漢堡 2009-05-16 15:14:11

情緒不好低落之實 要找方法紓壓一下

嗯哼嗯哼 我要澄清
2009-05-16 20:08:06
joyce 2009-05-15 20:12:55

哈哈哈哈 jkjk :)
Be happy其實你該去罵小孩的 發泄一下!!!

欸沒禮貌= =!
2009-05-16 20:07:30
kayjane: ) 2009-05-14 22:14:40

yea they do, bursting out,submerging me.

ohh :(( it’s gonna be alright!!hopefully..=T 2009-05-16 20:06:59