2009-01-03 21:38:14Becky●貝基*

The Rose

好老好老的歌  好像是1979的樣子= =  但是很好聽  恩哼~
是跨年晚會的時候蘇打綠唱的吧  不懂開場為什麼要唱老歌  but anyways it was awesomeeeeeee =]]]]

The Rose  by Bette Midler

Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
and you it's only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been to long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,
just remember in the winter
far beneath the winter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose.

2009年第二天去正大一整個下午  跟哥哥  我家上小官阿姨  Colin  整個很有笑點XDDDD
本來要31號出去的  但是不知道為什麼就順延了~~
只是沒有照片...因為忙著笑沒時間拍照  只是有拍貼=]]]]   好醜陋都是一些奇怪的東西  洗出來也好花俏XD  但是是很好的紀念~~~
菊花朵朵開哈哈哈哈  還爆菊勒  超級不雅觀  我們在餐廳被安排在最角落  因為人很多
不過好險  講這種話要是在餐廳中間應該就會被趕出去吧= =   

如果我要講一個笑話  我說:
「有一個漁夫在漁村  有一天  漁夫在釣魚的時候撿到一之美人魚就把他帶回家
但是有一天  漁夫把美人魚拿到大海放生。  其他人都問他『why?』  他說『how?』..」
誰聽不懂?   有誰聽不懂請把手舉高高  然後告訴我哪裡不懂~~  真的不是我想太多懂嗎=T

新年新希望真好=]]]   今年是倒數第二個跨年~時間過好快  2008整個就是驚喜動盪不安的一年rite??
我們來許願吧~~~~  希望2009年一樣high 一樣酷炫~~ =]]]
美人紅 2009-01-04 22:56:16

我…我想不出來! (舉手)
還有阿.. 爆菊是啥意ㄙ阿? (被拖出去)

藍毛 2009-01-04 19:41:40


u c~~??你還不是想到了!!! 2009-01-04 20:36:55
莎拉 2009-01-04 18:25:48


埃呀~~~不會啦~~~ 2009-01-04 20:36:35