2007-10-21 20:02:25練習英文俱樂部

A mistake that you learn from

  A mistake that I learn from is that I only studied for a week before the exam. Because Ionly studied for a few days, I didn’t have good gades in many subjects.I even fail two of them.
  when I was in the first grade of senior high school, I always did so and almost passed all subjects. But the lesson in the first grade was much easier than in the secnd grade. However,I did not consider about that and still used the same way to study, when I receive my school report card, I was shocked to my poor grades.The other reason that I only prepare for a few days was that most of our teacher tod us tha the first exam would be easier. In my opinion, easier means I did not have studied very hard and I can ge a good grade.But my report card proved that I was wrong.
  I will learn from this mistake and try my best to peopare for the next test.