2003-03-13 14:58:02J@姆$ ⊙_⊙

[山坡高中] e$tOy eNfeRmO

i'm sick >.<
my throat hurts
nd i can't breath = =

but i still hv to go to sku
cuz the stupid high sku exit exam
so dumb
the questions are hella easy

i was totally wrong about the sch of the exit exam
i thought all da sophomores aren't
goin' to 4th period on thurday
but i was WRONG
dat means i have to take da calculus test tomorrow >.<
i didn't study at all this week
too bad for me
sign....how come all my fdz get their best classes such as band, nd pe during 3rd nd 4th period = =
so jealous.....

the good thing is no more eng test for the exit exam
tomorrow is all math~
ha~ i goin' to hv math tests all day tomorrow = =

hv to study for so many testz this week = =
Certificate of merit for piano nd econ mid term are coming this sat.
nd gov't mid term is on next monday
i'm afraid that i'm goin' fail all da mid terms in DVC = =
den i'll have to take it in Las Lomas >.<
wanna cry -.-

gotta sleep....god bless me ~''~