2008-12-30 18:03:12VvV

My..what a different after 10 years...

Then & Now: Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio

Remember back in 1997 when that little old film Titanic was released? Remember how you swooned over Leonardo DiCaprio, plastering posters of him from Big! magazine all over your wall, and how you wanted more than anything to have Kate Winslet’s gorgeous red ringlets? Well, dear reader, a little over a decade later the beautiful pair have been reunited - and they’re looking better than ever...

Snapped together last night on the red carpet at the premiere of their new film, Revolutionary Road, Kate and Leo looked ten times better than they did as many years ago - as the picture on the left (taken at the 1998 Golden Globes) proves.

Whilst back in ’98 Kate went for a lacy dress (which, incidentally, would be bang-on trend this season), paler than pale skin, dark lips and a messy up-do, for yesterday’s premiere she was looked tanned and polished in a one-shouldered body con dress, black peep toe heels and bright blonde locks. Leo meanwhile swapped his dickie bow of ’98 for a chic tie and, whilst his undeniable good looks remain, a hint of stubble and a wrinkle or two have turned his babyface rugged and manly - and we like it!

My, what a difference ten years makes...
Article from Asos.com