2004-11-05 20:34:14AS


2004-10-18 sunny

Although today is day off, I still woke up at 0700... so noisy...computer time. 0930 ask ken whether he will go out do hw with me, he is goingto have meeting with house committee...just after that aggie call go out do hw, so go st self study rm. She finally arrived at 1230 (I've already there for 2 hours...) till 1445 go Yoshinoya tea time~ call ken to join then I go for dental appointment...Jesus wash the teeth and make me cry (pain...), bloody mouth...><" the dentalist found that here have the 智慧齒 growing out, "for my benefit", better clear it...but on next year 22/9...go back join them. 1730 someone call ken that we're going to start practicing song at 1800...but finally abt 1800 leave, of cuz, late...pizzahut dinner, lovely! 2200 go hm...