2024-08-14 02:35:19雲子修

雲子修原創短篇小說:“Would You Like Some Lemonade?”

-- by F. Björkström (Yun)


Noelle came out of the gym with high spirits, her cheeks were glowing like a fresh red rose. In her hurry, she paid no attention to the lazy afternoon sun streaming through the trees by the sidewalk or the people walking by. Her mind was focused on the day ahead: a lecture at Bishop Auditorium at 3 p.m. and an international meeting with a company in Taiwan at 8 p.m. She would be taking students there for an internship during the last two weeks of summer vacation, where they would have a chance to learn about communication in a corporation and hopefully observe business negotiations. Noelle Johnson, a professor and expert in intercultural communication, was well-respected and liked at Stanford. Briskly crossing the open campus, she took a long breath and felt empowered; she loved challenges and the unknown.


At 2:45 p.m., the auditorium buzzed with anticipation as students awaited Noelle's presentation on the Taiwan internship. Having meticulously reviewed the applications, she had handpicked ten promising candidates for interviews, including Nick Davis. He had dreams and big plans for the next three years after college. This internship would be a great step forward for his future. Nick’s mother died young; his father raised him with great care. He was tall and gentle, well-built and fit like an athlete, and most of the time dressed in a polished yet casual way. He preferred a classic shirt and never a T-shirt, if possible. One early afternoon, he was called to Noelle’s office.

“Good afternoon, Ma’am.”

“Hi, Nick! Take a seat. You have applied to go to Taiwan.”

“Yes, I have.”

“I read that you would like to become a lawyer in international business lawsuits.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“This internship opportunity will provide a great entry into the professional world for you.”

“I am truly looking forward to it, yes.”

“I also read that you have studied Chinese for 3 years.”

“Yes, I speak Mandarin quite fluently. I would like to involve myself in the lawsuits between the US and Asia, with a focus on China and Taiwan.”

“In order to know more about the applicants, I also asked about your free time activities. You enjoy photography and hiking?”

“Yes, I enjoy nature; these two activities have given me tremendously delightful moments.”

After another twenty minutes, Nick was dismissed; Noelle would send him a personal letter to notify him of the result.


As the semester was drawing to a close and the Taiwan team had been chosen, Noelle felt somewhat relieved and decided to go out for a hike. The early summer’s sun was high after three days’ rain, and the lawn looked quite wild; the grass was growing in all directions. Noelle tried to ignore the lawn; she picked up her backpack with something to chew and drink. Grabbing her camera and lenses, she was going to Mission Peak today. After locking the door, Nick was passing by her house.

“What a coincidence, Professor Johnson!”

“Ah, hi, Nick! I am just going for a hike; you should join me sometime. I remember you like hiking too.”

“That would be my honor!”

Nick saw the lawn behind her and asked:

“Ma’am, do you need someone to mow your lawn? I am free tomorrow morning, and I’d love to help out.”

Noelle was surprised by such an offer that came just in time; she hated mowing the lawn.

“How lovely, and thank you! I will be expecting you at 10 a.m.; does that sound fine with you?”

“I will be here, Ma’am.”


The next day, Nick came and rang the bell at 10 a.m. sharp. He was in a pale khaki short-sleeved shirt and green shorts; the navy blue shoes seemed a bit too clean for a job like mowing the lawn. Noelle had spent all night trying to finish a report; she was still asleep when the doorbell rang. She stretched a bit and went downstairs to open the door for Nick. She showed him everything he needed and went in again.


Noelle turned on the music and started the coffee machine. In a few minutes, she went to her study with a bowl of granola and a cup of fresh coffee. Having finished reading the newspaper, Nick had been mowing for half an hour. The churning mower sounded like the toy train she used to have when she was little, ‘When I did the mowing, I never heard the little train.’ she smiled.


She looked out the window; Nick seemed to be enjoying what he was doing, though soaked in sweat. Even then, looked so youthfully “beautiful”. The garden absolutely brightened up because of him. When she was savoring this thought, Nick knocked on the door.

“Ma’am, I’m done with the lawn. This should last for a while in this weather.”

“Thank you so much, Nick. Would you like to come in for some lemonade?”

The strong chest was showing through the wet shirt; Noelle looked away to the trees behind him.

“Thank you, Ma’am, I think I should go home for a shower. Look at me.” Nick pulled at his shirt and smiled laughingly.

As he was closing the front door, Noelle thought how amazing it was that time had flown so fast and that she was already 49, having an empty house and a so-called career. She started the coffee machine again. She looked into the air, speaking to herself, ‘It’s nice to be lonely, I like this feeling, even if everybody hates it. Dillan’s gone; I am no longer complete. Hiding in this loneliness, his absence makes my longing for him even stronger and more real. Yes, this is what I want. Stay with me, Dillan.’


As Noelle and Nick got more familiar with each other, they often hiked together around the university area. The Dish Look Trail, Windy Hill, Huddart Park, Rancho San Antonio, and Monte Bello, to name a few. Noelle enjoyed Nick’s company; Nick found Noelle’s smiles to be extremely charming and often tried deliberately to come up with smart remarks to make her smile. Once when Noelle nearly missed a step, Nick reached out in time for her. His strong grip gave almost like an electric shock straight through her entire being. Her face felt warm. She was not sure about her feelings for him. ‘Never mind; he’s my student. We enjoy each other’s company, that’s all.’


This summer seemed extremely short, especially the days when Nick came to mow the lawn. Sitting in the front yard to drink lemonade and taste some tapas was luxurious; they sat next to each other, looking at the pictures they had taken in the past month and a half. Noelle hadn’t felt so relaxed and happy for a very long time, she almost forgot the feeling of loneliness. ‘What has Nick brought me? Such sweet time together, I’m always looking forward to seeing him mow the lawn….’, thought Noelle. As the sun was going down, she drifted into deep contemplation while caressing the pendant on the necklace, the birthday present Dillan gave her when she turned 16. He had made this pendant by himself, they were two doves carved out of wood. The wood has turned a very dark hue over the years. Dillan had never left, the two birds would always be together. When she was hanging on to the thought, the wooden piece broke into two; one of the birds dropped into her palm. Tears ran down Noelle’s cheeks… “Dillan, I want no one but you!” She held the doves tightly in her hands….


The days leading up to the Taiwan trip were a blur of final arrangements and last-minute briefings. Noelle met with each of the selected students, ensuring they were prepared for the cultural and professional experiences awaiting them. She felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension as the departure date approached. Finally, on the 14th of July, the team found themselves stepping off the plane into the humid warmth of Taipei. The Weiling LCD company had sent a vice manager and a chauffeur to greet and pick them up. The company had rented an apartment for the visiting internship team. All of them were in Taiwan for the first time; the entire group of people could not wait to start the project.


The next day, they arrived at the company and were introduced to the heads of different departments. The five students were assigned to different tasks and supervisors, and every other day they would exchange their posts and projects. The ladies were very amazed at Nick’s Mandarin proficiency; they enjoyed his presence and performance. The head of the overseas department was impressed that Nick was able to talk to a factory leader in China over the phone in fluent Mandarin. Noelle was very pleased to witness the scene. Nick’s self-confidence and eloquence impressed her; he was her top choice.


The Standford team communicated and interviewed the designated personnel. During this visit to the offices and factories, many of the theories and knowledge they had learned in the past four years were proven right or wrong, sometimes quite mind-blowing. Some of them realized how little they knew about communication and that it was such an important skill for anything they would set off to do in the future. Every one of them felt that it had been a very fruitful trip, not to mention the great food and friendliness in the culture. After the last meeting, they were ready to throw a party; all of them went back to the apartment and put on the best outfits they brought. As Nick stood in front of the mirror, he reached for the silver necklace he had bought for Noelle in his pocket. His heart was jumping like a bird.


As the apartment was quite spacious, they decided to hold the party there. The entire group of overseas representatives from the company was with them. They had all become friends. The vice manager introduced the Karaoke culture in Taiwan and set up this activity. Everyone was singing and drinking away. Singing the old-timers’ songs gave them a lot of laughter and fun. Noelle felt a bit tired from the events and the talks she had during the day, so she decided to turn in, leaving the rest of them still in the living room. She closed the door and started to sort things out in her suitcase and her head. She quickly took a shower and slipped into bed.


When she woke up feeling thirsty, she saw Nick lying on the pillow next to hers. ‘Nick? Why is he here?... I am not strong enough to take him back to his room, and if anybody sees… I guess I’ll just let him stay.’ Under the dim light, Noelle could see Nick’s eyebrows, lashes, nose… and full lips… ever so closely. ‘Impeccable,’ Noelle thought to herself. Even when he was drunk, he sent out a very fresh, young scent — the kind that was, irresistible. She kissed him softly. Noelle took off the last piece of underwear and the necklace; she decided to be his.


At dawn, when the sky was slightly turning bright, Nick found Noelle lying by his side. Her sleeping face was breathtaking. He was very shocked at how he ended up sleeping next to her. He quickly put on his clothes and sneaked into his bedroom. ‘Phew, Jack is still asleep.’ Nick got into bed and pretended to be asleep. He felt something on his neck; he pulled out a long red hair. ‘Noelle’s.…’ He held it in his hand and could see her green eyes and smile right in front of him… ‘But what exactly happened last night?’ As the sun rose, the team was getting ready to return to America. Noelle and Nick boarded the plane with very mixed feelings.


After coming home to the States both Noelle and Nick avoided talking about the incident in Taiwan. Neither of them knew how to bring it up; they had a teacher-student relationship, yet…. They could just let it slide. It was an extraordinary dream, for both of them. ‘Was it love? Has Nick stolen my heart?’ wondered Noelle while taking a stroll at sunset. Neither Noelle nor Nick could explain how they felt about each other. Noelle was a well-known professor, and Nick was only 22; they had very different futures ahead of them. Life had so many turns; people would change. ‘Nick has opportunities to meet many girls his age. I gave myself to him because it was time to move on without Dillan. And I….’ Noelle turned the key and walked into the house; she switched on the lights. ‘Nick, thank you, for coming into my life, you gave me so many wonderful moments; it’s time to set you free to see the world.’ The breeze blew through the big screen door, and the white, soft curtain danced and murmured with an almost silent rustle. ‘No, I am not lonely anymore, Dillan,’ Noelle touched a photo frame gently and put away all the pictures of Dillan.


One August afternoon, Nick came to see Noelle.

“Noelle, I am going to Harvard; I’m accepted to the law school.”

“Congratulations, Nick! You’re going to make a great lawyer and help so many people.”

“I definitely will do my best,” said Nick determinedly.

The music in the house was playing softly; Noelle could not concentrate on their conversation… ‘Nick is going to the other side of the country; will I see him again? What will we become after 3 years? I am no longer lonely, but, am I losing you, Nick?’ They hugged each other. The kiss in the forest on their last hike would not disappear from Nick’s mind…. ‘Noelle, will you wait for me? I’ll come back for you’, Nick mumbled quietly, yet longingly.



Life went on at Stanford, and Harvard. Five years later, Noelle was the head of her department; Nick had become quite an independent lawyer. She had never forgotten about him; she had many times pictured a life with Nick. He, on the other hand, was often allowing himself to swim in the memories with her whenever he had a free moment. On Noelle’s birthday this year, he flew all the way from the East Coast back to California; to Stanford Avenue, to see her. He rang the doorbell. Noelle’s eyes lit up when she saw him. She hugged him, with all her strength. “Nick! Where have you been?”

“Ah, Professor Johnson, do you need help with the lawn?” asked Nick jokingly.

A little girl came running out from the house, inquiring, “Would you like some lemonade, Mommy?” Nick bowed down, wanting to say hello to the little girl, but when he saw her face, he said, surprisedly: “Her eyes, her lips…!”

“Yes, Nick, my first and only boyfriend died in a car accident when I was 16. I have never had another boyfriend since. She is your daughter, Bliss.”
