2004-03-18 16:10:51大魚

Text Translation: English Storytelling Competition

Below is my friend's reflection upon her winning of the English storytelling competition in NTNTC. I translated the text for her. Basically it is a literal translation rather than a free translation:

Time(比賽時間):2003.05.01 Thursday
Place(比賽地點):南師文薈樓 J404兒童劇場
Story(故事取材):The Mouse wedding (參考自「Chinese Stories」,東西圖書出版,鄒文莉)

Time: Thursday, 1 May 2003
Place: Children's Theater, Room J404 of Culture Luxuriant Building, National Tainan Normal Teachers College
Story Material:"The Mouse Wedding", Creative Teaching of Children's English—some Chinese Cultural Stories, Tsou, Wen-li. Eastern and Western P. 2001.
Result: First Rank

1. 面部表情豐富
2. 臨危不亂,不緊張
3. 動作、語調放得開
4. 和觀眾多眼神接觸
5. 動作俐落,肢體語言豐富
6. 說話速度不要太快
7. 位置若有移動,仍要回到舞台中間
8. 發音正確清晰
9. 創造有特色的動作與情節
10. 投入在故事之中
有了這次比賽的經驗,使我更能掌握「英語說故事」的要點;透過這次的比賽,觀摩他人的storytelling 之後,也更清楚自己的優點為何,而缺點如何改進。

What I have learnt:

I decided to participate in English Storytelling Competition when I was an undergraduate who took Professor Tsou Wen-li's course of "English Story and Teaching". The reason why I participated in the competition is two-folds. First, I hope to examine my own study result; and secondly, I hope to accumulate experiences of telling English stories.
I have tried to practice as many times as I could during my preparation, including practicing in front of my professor and classmates. I am very thankful toward their generous companion and instructions. From numerous practices, I realized the "Principles of Storytelling" instructed by Professor Tsou in her lecture. I came to realize that I am able to make great progress only if I command these principles. I advanced from a nervous speaker to a confident one. The following are the key points I have collected after the practice and competition:

* Storytelling skills:

1. Abundant facial expressions

2. Stay calm and don’t get nervous

3. Speak with a confident tone

4. Have eye contacts with the audience
After stepping on the stage, I have conquered my fear. Having eye contacts with the examiners helped me to feel confident about my attractive story. I think this may be the main fact that I was able to earn the First Rate!

5. Add rich body language

6. Don’t speak too fast
Since I am telling stories to a "children-oriented" audience, my tone and speed should not be too fast. The key to success is to let the audience understand the content of the story.

7. Remember to return to the center of the stage after making any movements.

8. Speak with correct pronunciation
In the after-competition analysis, the examiner professors pointed out the key of my winning is my correct pronunciation. I presume this is also the primary task when instructing students to participate in contests.

9. Create featuring action and plot
Developing characteristic action and plot help enhance the attraction of the story. For example, I danced and sung a short Chinese lyric with a ring in order to match up the plot—marrying a daughter on the third day of the Chinese Lunar New Year. When I did that, the examiners were all amused by me and laughed. I think the amusement I added is another key to my winning.

10. Enjoy your own story!
Only when the speaker enjoy the charm of his/her own story can his/her audience be influenced by the storytelling. Through this competition, I have learnt the method to command the principles of English storytelling. Meanwhile, I have also improved a lot by observing others' storytelling.

"Congratulations Jasmine! You earned the First Rate!" The pleasure within my heart was beyond words after the competition result was announced. My pleasures come from recognition of the examiners and the enhancement of my ability! I believe that harvest is always there only if we can give ourselves a chance to try!

When integrating what I have learnt through this English storytelling competition, I was left to ponder—how can I apply the skills to my teaching? If I have a chance to instruct students to join English storytelling, English speech, or English reading competitions, my instruction principles will include more than the ten points I have mentioned above. Furthermore, I will keep my students practicing because only practice can make perfect. In a word, Heaven helps those who help themselves; if I have a chance in the future, I will be willing to contribute what I have learnt to instruct students to participate in English speaking competition!