2005-06-20 08:23:12Annie

▪▪► Batman Begins

There are a lot of superheroes we dreamt of becoming or knowing when we were young and Batman is most definitely one of them.
The thing that made Batman so special is that he is just a human being just like the rest of us, unlike Superman or X-men. Batman Begins tells the story of how Bruce Wayne’s life story before he became the famous Batman, the events and people that changed his life. How Bruce Wayne turned his anger of his parents’ death to the use of good to save Gotham, the city his parents so passionately loved. The story is very intensely narrated, a lot of fighting and action. This is certainly not a movie you can doze off in the theater. There was just one small personal problem I had with the movie. For those of us that have seen the movie “American psycho, ”I cannot get rid of the images of Christian Bale slaughtering people. I am not saying he acted poorly in this movie because he did gave a brilliant performance. With the addition of Morgan Freeman’s superb presentation as usual, this is without a doubt the best Batman movie to date.

Annie’s Rating~ A-