自己一個人在家看了這部電影, 一開始以為這應該又是一部一般的愛情喜劇片 還不就是男女主角一見鍾情, ...
Calvin or 金城其實就是我們家ㄉ剛剛滿1歲的約克夏~⌒ō⌒~ 不要誤會了, 叫他金城不是希望他會跟金城武一樣...
There are a lot of superheroes we dreamt of becoming or knowing when we were young and Batman is mos...
今天真的非常非常の熱,上班前剛好經過福客多, 就立刻衝進去想買些東西解渴… 看了半天看到了一樣新產品~...
最近看完了一本書called “他其實沒那麼喜歡你” (原名: He’s just not that into you”)。此書的2為作者 ...
I watched this movie when I was on my little vacation… I cant really say if this is a good movie o...
I went to the movies with some of my co-workers after work, caught the 11:30 “ Ms. Congeniality 2”...
After a whole day of shopping, nothing will sum the day up better than a nice meal… So we headed t...
過年期間有連續休了3天的假, 趁家中其他人都在忙著在牌桌上廝殺之際 我就溜出門和朋友看電影ㄛ… 過年嘛...
記憶中已經好久沒有在台灣過年了 昨天今天都要上班 昨天下班後到大舅家和老爸,老媽,大舅,舅媽,表哥,表姊,...
I went to see ”Closer” a few days ago with, of course, who else, Ms. Claire... I had a lot of ex...
下了班之後到華納威秀閒逛… 遇到了一隻夢寐以求的husky 從小到大都想有狗狗的陪伴, 尤其是和我一樣siz...
前兩天是2月的第一天 也是親愛的Claire小姐第一天離我而去 去高樓層上班… 想起剛剛上班的那段日子、...
上個星期天,閑閑沒事做 在永康街亂晃... 無意中發現了幾家還不錯的小店 心理想, 既然沒事就決定去當當貴...