2010-08-21 20:27:54GuZ

Career/Life Goal

回前老細有一些Email的對話. 那一晚, 我是坐在桌前, 想, 怎樣才是我的理想人生... 我是這樣回覆的...


What can I say, Dave? I am very thankful for ever knowing you in my life because you are so wise and know me so well.

You got me into deep thinking these 2 days after reading your advices.


I always know where my talent is, but I am not satisfied for just having the existing talent because I like to grow and learn everyday.  This is really what kept me in the job beside you for the last three years because I always reminded myself that “it is a window of opportunity to work beside a cfo and further the whole senior executive team at my age”.  I like to ask different type of questions because I have a high volume of curiosities.  I remember at one point you mentioned in a meeting that you always wondered how Canadian survives with the high value real-estate; I always had that same thinking in my head until you said it out loud. 


I see my main talent as the ability to think through how things link, more than just how numbers work, but less than a successful leader.  My career/life goal is to live my life with no regret and to fill my journey with meaningful chapters, not $.  Don’t get me wrong, money is important to survive, but I know I can’t bring my money to the heaven with me and money is not equal to happiness.  I know this is the reason why I am struggling, because what I am looking for my career is different types of experience, rather than a concrete career path into some level, some field.  And now, really, I am at the intersection to think what I want to experience next in my journey.  I am sure you can always tell that from the past 3 years working together.  Therefore, your advices are somewhat different from GK.  You were suggesting from a personal view and he was suggesting from a career view, and they are internally linked, implicitly.


Yes, I agree that designations are just the tickets to the game, and what really important is how we play the game once we are in.  Compare to the retirement at 65 years old, to spend half year to develop career strategies is too minimal and I should spend the time to think through it.  Thanks a lot Dave.  Your wise words hit the bottom of my thinking and my heart.  “the risk/insurance/bank options could have more involvement with numbers but possibly less day-to-day involvement with people...”  <- This is the sentences that really caught my eyes.  It is short but it is the key.


有一個不同部門的同事問, "你是否很快就會去Dallas?"

...... 原因: Dave在Dallas剛剛接了一份新工作, 仍然是CFO. 一直以來我和Dave之間的默契, 合作無間, 信任, 以及它新公司的狀況, 使人聯想, 我是否會去Dallas與他重聚, 再一起延續一個我們過去三年間的共同信念...

問心, 其實我心裡知道, 假設我真的受到邀請. 我想我心裡不免會有一點考慮的.

因為Dave, 這一個人, 真的很有個人魅力.. 和他對我真的很好..

他在人前, 甚至其它同部門同事前是非常苛刻, 但對我一直都是仁慈, 體諒, 敬重及欣賞的..