2010-02-05 03:03:25安傑利卡


 " You are not alone". Michael Jackson's golden voice transferred perfectly love, tenderness and sorrow for the one who falls in love with.

This song makes me think about my grand master " 妙禪師父. 
In my life, I really feel that I'm not alone. I'm in security. `That is great. All my days are sunny days, even thought I have to face on high pressure and thousands of troubles. But it will be all right, because I know He is with me and protect me. Who is he? It's my grand master 妙禪師父.   妙禪師父 is always here with me and all his followers.  

Just like he always says : you are not alone. I'm here with you. I won't give you up forever. 
So touching ... so touching .... 

share with all of you, my friends 
How could this be 
You're not here with me 
You never said goodbye 
Someone tell me why 
Did you have to go 
And leave my world so cold