2016-07-09 12:04:14靡優姬

謝震廷 - 燈光 The Light 歌詞 Chinese-English Translation(中英對照)



燈光-謝震廷 (The Light - Eli Hsieh)

一個人走在路上 不知道是第幾晚上
Walking on the street, don't know which night it is
已沒有人來人往 也沒有城市交響
Neither hurrying crowd nor noisy cities 
入夜後的台北 很漂亮
Taipei is beautiful at night
但怎麼卻感覺 很悲傷
don't know why I feel so sad

大概是又想起你說 說我像個太陽
Maybe the word you said that I was like a sun just cross my mind
24小時開朗 為人照亮
Being happy and lighting others all day long
但其實你說謊 你知道
but in fact, you know you are lying
若沒有你我根本就沒有辦法 發光
Without you, I won't be shiny
你很健忘 沒你在旁 哪裡來的力量
you are forgetful, if you ain't with me, where does the power come from?
感傷 這一切都已經成過往
That everything has passed is a pity
如果時光回放 多渴望告訴你
If time could be turned back, I wanna tell you that, 

[Chorus 1]
我不想做太陽 我不想再逞強
I don't wanna be the sun, I don't wanna be that strong
我只想為你 做一盞燈光
I just wanna be the tiny light for you 
Just press the switch when you need me
你不必再流浪 你不必再心慌
You never gonna wander,  never gonna worry
不必再去想 不必再去
never gonna think, never gonna be in charge
And I don't have to pretend that you're still with me

How silly I am

一個人走在路上 漫無目的地遊蕩
Wandering through the street without destination
看著路燈的昏黃 把陰影拉好長
Looking at the dim streetlight, the shadows are lengthened
長到我 怎麼樣 都追不上
Too long to reach it 
沒有你 我永遠 都追不上
Without you I never gonna reach it

大概是又想起你說 說我像個太陽
I don't wanna be the sun, I don't wanna be that strong
24小時開朗 為人照亮
Being happy and lighting others all day long
現在聽來誇張 你知道
Sounds ridiculous now, you know
若沒有你我根本就沒有 辦法 發光
Without you, I won't be shiny
你不健忘 你是善良 為了讓我堅強
You ain't forgetful but kind, in order to make me strong
感傷 這一切都已經成過往
That everyting has passed is a pity
如果時光回放 我一定告訴你
If time could be turned back, I'm gonna tell you

[Chorus 1]

我不想做太陽 不想再逞強
I don't wanna be the sun, I don't wanna be that strong
我只想做你 心裡的燈光
I just wanna be the light in your heart
Press the switch while you are leaving

我不會再假裝 我不會再說謊
I won't pretend or lie
I just wanna go far away with you
If the time could be turned back
If the time could be turned back
If the time could be turned back.....


1. lie 是很特別的一個單字,可以解釋為「
    當「躺」時動詞變化為 lie-lay-lain-lying
    當「說謊」時動詞變化為 lie-lied-lied-lying
    **另外一個很像的字為 "lay(產卵)",動詞變化為 lay-laid-laid-laying**

2. forgetful V.S. forgetable → forgetful 為「健忘的」;forgettable 為「容易被遺忘的」

3. pity 常用在感嘆句 "What a pity!" 意思是「真遺憾」或「真可惜」

4. in charge是「負責任」的意思,介系詞用 of 接名詞「負責某事」。若單純用 charge,則常指「充電」的意思

5. not (A) but (B) 的意思是「不是 A 而是 B」,順序不可調換

以上,謝謝大家的觀賞 :))))) 
Jonus 2021-07-25 03:11:58

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