2005-01-05 14:48:14尚未設定

From my second mom ...4

We loved getting your e-mail tonight.?We love you and of course miss you dearly as well.?But we both know that one day we will definately get together and do lots of?talking, laughing and hugging!! We are so proud of you and what you have accomplished in your life and don't worry too much about the years ahead of you because all those years will soon be in your way.?So make each special and enjoy life!!

I do spend alot of time with mom (Sandra) and we do lots of talking, I have been helping her a lot with her school work especially with computers which she surely doesn't like too much.?But not to worry I find that we have gotten a lot closer to each other so that make me happy and I think her too as she has us and Carol and Mark.

We all went out this past weekend and had a great time.?Sandra won a gift and she was really happy and excited.?She had to drive home from Iroquois Falls because everyone had drank too much.?But she had a great time.?She is doing a lot better with her health and the doctor said in Toronto that she is in better health then the rest of us.?So she is doing well that way.

However, she is stressed out with her mom but she knows that she needs to be strong for the kids and as well as for herself.?She does do her crying and that makes her feel better.?But the day will come and she'll be really sad.?But I keep reminding her that NaNa doesn't want to see any Doctors and that is her chose and we can't change that.?So the only thing we can do is respect her choice and be there for her when she is not well and help her out.?And as you said except what we can not change.?However, dad and I are very please to hear that you have cut down on smoking because you always have to remember that this could be you one day and then what would happen to us.?We would certain miss you with all our hearts and soul!!! So remember the more you try to quit the better we will feel and know that you are at least trying to reach your 40's, 50's and 80's even.?We love you lot too and want what is best for you.

We look forward to seeing you if you did come over but remember schooling comes first and that cost lots of $ so if you can't remember there is always next year and maybe things would be better for you.?We love you and miss.

Hope all goes well with school for you.?How is your parents and family??They must be proud of you too.

We are having a surprise 40th Birthday party for mom on December 3 at the house.?Maybe you can call.?She should be really excited and surprise as I'll be taking her to Timmins for the day shopping and dad and Rick will be decorating the house to get it ready for us to surprise her.?I am getting excited myself.?Great party it should be!!!

We love you and take care of yourself.?Good luck and have a Merry Christmas how do you guys spend Christmas and what do you do??Tell us all about it so we may understand how it is celebrated.?Oh, just one minute your dad#2 wants me to write you something that he is saying,

Here it goes, this is dad speaking now and I am writing it for him;?Dad #2 went to a poker tournament on the weekend and came in third.?He was excited when he got home but he was a little upset because he thought he should of come in 2nd or 1st as he was on a winning streak.?But he did have lots of fun!!

Well that is it for now, we are doing well and getting ready for Christmas, we are going to Sudbury to do some Christmas shopping and looking forward to getting out of Cochrane just the two of us.?Well if there is anything let us know in the mean time take good care and we love you lots so keep doing what you do best and take good care of yourself.

Love you mom and dad from the GREAT WHITE NORTH OF CANADA!!!!!
