2016-07-17 03:33:02amyi2514wddi

讀英文課程 全民英檢高級 dead heist中文意思是什麼

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dead heist中文意思是什麼

dead heist解釋英語測驗 英文考試 ielts


  • dead: adj 1 死的;無生命的,無生物的。2 無感覺的。3 (炭等)已熄滅的;無生氣的,呆滯的,停頓的;冷落的...
  • heist: vt. 1. 〈方言〉舉起。2. 〈美俚〉持凶器行劫,劫奪;偷。n. 持凶器行劫,劫奪;偷竊。n. -er 持械槍劫者,劫奪者,偷竊者。

  • A doorway between the human realm and the spiritual realm has been opened, and now the technology that once made humankind the ruler of the planet has become its digital achilles heel. with every call made and every e - mail checked, life is slowly being stolen from the living and claimed for the dead

  • His priests are dead, and his acolyte ' s a captive

  • One newly hired aide said, "if you offered geneen an opinion based on feeling, you were dead. "

  • The old man's former cronies are all dead.

  • The woman, with no apparent injuries, was found dead by the ambulance men at the scene 中級英檢試題 網上英文


    dead heart, dead heat on a merry-go-round, dead hedge, dead hole, dead hollows, dead horizon

    dead heist中文意思是什麼
      高中英文家教 大家說英語下載輕鬆學英文 全民英檢中級報名線上免費學習 英語輕鬆學英語 師德英檢怎麼學好英文 日檢定 練英聽網站中級英檢 線上英文新聞 如何訓練英聽1對1英文 學英文文法英語會話家教 全民英檢gept外籍英語老師 線上英語教學 推薦toeic 線上學習 怎樣學英文 國小英文家教
