2010-07-12 13:09:41曉風殘月

So long, Texas

So long, So long, Texas, for all beloved ones I left behind,

So long, So long Texas, for all knowledge I got in mind.


Two rows of Williamsburg village are shimmering in rainbow’s bright,

The bell of clock Tower is rushing me to make a stride,

The organ of White Chapel is saluting at my right,

The Swans on the Bush Pond are hymning the Patriot rhyme,


I pause at the gate like lost,

I requested the statue man for my road,

He showed me a path that even the telescope can't behold,

I bathed his feet and he words:

“You shall not be afraid as I got your back."

Thus, I run,

The roses are blossoming to the road, to the end.

(悄悄話) 2012-10-01 01:44:58
(悄悄話) 2012-09-25 09:59:46