2006-11-05 23:54:44Ame.

五字頭功課系列三--Five topics.

Five topics

1. Which CD shop and bookstore you like the most? From the small bookstores only about a size of flat in the area of Taipei main station to the one like the ESLITE in Taipei City Hall, which do you prefer?

I used to going bookstores and CD shops. And I’d like to buy the books or CDs with discount.But these days some little bookstores have closed. Will the multiple bookstores take the place of the little ones in the future?

2. Taiwan People like buffet, or “eat much as you can”, what is your opinion to this special culture in Taiwan and whether it is good or not to people’s ( esp. children’s) health and eating habit ?

It’s so interesting that people always say ”eat much as you can(吃到飽)”and they seldom care the food is good(delicious/fresh)or not. So I want to discuss this kind of special culture in Taiwan.

3. It’s hard to live in Taipei for things are expensive and people’s average salary is lower than other big cities in other countries, so many youths don’t raise children for using lots of money. What is your opinion to the birthrate lowers year by year and do you support raising children under any situations?

For the old will become the great majority in population several decades later in Taiwan. It’s essential to dicuss the problem of the low birthrate.

4. Being a student in FJU, have you been thinking of what sort of people you become after graduation? And will you pride of being a student in FJU or not? By now, have you (and your characteristics) been influenced after the day you became one of the student in FJU?

People need to confer themselves sometimes inorder to making progress for themselves in their lives and career.

5. What is your opinion to the Taiwan government and the politics in Taiwan? Do you feel disappointed or not? If yes, will you trust the government again?

The youth in Taiwan probably neglect the politics, and i want to know how do they think of the relationship between the government and them.
