2009-06-23 01:32:00YV

今天,YV 教過最美的學生回母校來看「老」師


有個畢業十四年的學生今天回來找我聊天。因為閱卷的壓力,我原來只預備聊兩小時,沒想到兩人都捨不得離開管院 CAFE,談著笑著打乒乓,來來回回四個鐘頭。


畢業後他到美國住了好一段時間,學醫、學設計、世界旅行。從風光的生活中,他思索真實的自己,又從 Orlanda 又變回到 Orlando。走過 "Chaos" 的幾年, 夙願已償,他心甘情願回到台灣,盡心盡力照顧父母家人,過「平常」而自在日子:上班、下班、享受生命每一分鐘。


他對現在的工作非常滿意,雖然在都會精華區和消費金字塔頂端的菁英階級周旋,他的生活裡面的感動時刻都很簡單,都是有關媽媽、工作夥伴、工作本身。有一次,某位演藝界的大姐頭到另一個樓層的另一個專櫃稱讚他的專業服務,讓他的主管聽到,回來傳達。還有一次,一對法國顧客觀察他的動作之後跟他說: "You enjoy your work very much." 講到這裡,他坐挺了告訴我:「我聽到馬上回答 "I do!"。」儘管只是回憶片段,他眼睛裡無數的晶亮小點點,彷彿剛剛應牧師要求出聲:"I do! I do! I do!"



他四聲帶發聲  (可惜沒叫他講幾句原民原聲) 四個鐘頭的說話,盡是成熟、穩重、智慧、俏皮。那一剎那,彷彿看到 Tiresias 被宙斯開啟了 insight, 跨過性別、時間、地域,向身邊的人類宣諭。

Tiresias 彷彿就端著冰咖啡坐在我面前!

我說:「我來講先知 Tiresias 的故事給你聽。」

於是 YV 開講,兩人一起起雞皮疙瘩.......



Ted Hughes: Collected Poems

p. 914 (Check it if you don't believe it.)


One time, Jupiter, happy to be idle,

Swept the cosmic mystery aside

And draining antoher goblet of ambrosia

Teased Juno, who drowsed in bliss beside him:

"This love of  male and female's a strange business.

Fifty-fifty investment in the madness,

Yet she ends up with nine-tenths of the pleasure."


Juno's answer was: "A man might think so.

It needs more than a mushroom in your cup

To wake a wisdom that can fathom which

Enjoys the deeper pleasure, man or woman.

It needs the solid knowledge of a soul

Who having lived and loved in woman's body

Has also lived and loved in the body of a man."


Jupiter laughed aloud: "We have the answer.

There is a fellow called Tiresias.

Strolling to watch the birds and hear the bees

He came across two serpents copulating.

He took the opportunity to kill

Both with a single blow, but merely hurt them--

And found himself transformed into a woman.


"After the seventh year of womanhood,

Strolling to ponder on what women ponder

She saw in that same place the same two serpents

Knotted as before in copulation.

"If your pain can still change your attacker

Just as you once changed me, then change me back."

She hit the couple with a handy stick,


"And there he stood as male as any man."

"He'll explain," cried Juno, "why you are

Slave to your irresistible addiction

While the poor nymphs you force to share it with you

Do all they can to shun it." Jupiter

Asked Tiresias; "In their act of love

Who takes the great pleasure, man or woman?"


"Woman," replied Tiresias, "takes nine-tenths."

Jono was so angry--angrier

Than is easily understandable--

She struck Tiresias and blinded him.

"You've seen your last pretty snake, for ever."

But Jove consoled him: "That same blow," he said,

"Has opened your inner eye, like a nightscope.  See:

"The secrets of the future--they are yours."


 YV 每次講到 "Zeus said, 'you lost your sight, and now I give you your insight.'" 都會起一身雞皮疙瘩,今天起了兩次。 

YV 2009-06-24 06:07:16

YEs! Come to me if you think I can do a good job!

I want to post your words again as a reminder for the members!

You are a poet!

Chili 2009-06-24 00:47:44




YV 2009-06-23 22:47:22

And we seem to be a little bit proud of these nonsensical behaviors.