2009-06-20 07:56:05YV




十年前 Western Children's Literature 她下課跑來問我是否知道「一種身高只有人類一半、腳底長毛、不必穿鞋子的哈比人」。她少見的興奮語氣讓我從此對哈比人印象忽然變得極為深刻。以後每次教到 The Hobbit 就想到 Christine。她「也」是浪漫人種。對!「也」是神龍見首不見尾的那種低調奢華學生。

Christine 的 writing 極好,用字非常精準,可是作業要嘛就絡絡長要嘛就.......「也」一樣不太注意「各科表現的均衡發展」,恐怕「也」會遇到媽媽看到成績單就唸一唸的狀況。

上禮拜 Christine 在 YV 的 facebook 上送了 YV 一顆心,並且留言稱讚我們 "alarm clock blog" 很有趣。我問她既然來了為什麼不留下 pawprints, 她立刻來鬧鐘台留言並且告訴我們她的  "right paw scratching" 。

哈哈哈哈哈!我的 company 都是解語花!BRILLIANT!


Christine 2009-06-21 16:46:09

YV, oops, I see. =)

(was trying to contact Sam sometime ago. will msg u for her phone number)

Hi, all!

To Christine 2009-06-21 06:09:44

But I want Stephanie, Freeman, Spud, Ben, Vin, Belinda, Amanda and Sammy know you are here. (I don’t think Sammy would come here too frequently, though.)

Christine 2009-06-21 00:39:49

YV, u really didnt need to intro me. but tks for writing it euphemistically. XD