2007-05-28 08:03:52YV
普級中世紀, 限級廿一世紀
YV parody 了一首詩當作感言, 倉卒寫成, 寫得不好, 不過駝鳥二號覺得有趣,叫我 post 上來, 照辦!
Mark but this play, and mark in this,
How nerdy that which thou deniest me is;
It touched me first, and now touches thee,
And in this play our two views mingled be.
Thou know’st that these cannot be prime:
Violence, horror, cruelty, or crime;
Profanity, sex, or blasphemy.
In Chaucer’s day, the tales were merely ranked G, G, G!
But in our time, we ought to change their sheen
Or they will be (as you might expect) ranked NC-seventeen!
And this (Alas!) is more than we would do.
Indeed! It’s more than we would do.
YV parody 了一首詩當作感言, 倉卒寫成, 寫得不好, 不過駝鳥二號覺得有趣,叫我 post 上來, 照辦!
Mark but this play, and mark in this,
How nerdy that which thou deniest me is;
It touched me first, and now touches thee,
And in this play our two views mingled be.
Thou know’st that these cannot be prime:
Violence, horror, cruelty, or crime;
Profanity, sex, or blasphemy.
In Chaucer’s day, the tales were merely ranked G, G, G!
But in our time, we ought to change their sheen
Or they will be (as you might expect) ranked NC-seventeen!
And this (Alas!) is more than we would do.
Indeed! It’s more than we would do.
2007-05-29 22:02:23
Right! I mean, 很多中世紀時期的故事現在看起來真是猥褻到家! 十日譚 坎特柏里故事集...
Olga 學姊是劇本編寫, 我們選 Miller`s Tale 時, Olga 建議 "親屁屁" 改成 "親腳腳",導演和我立刻同意...我還很興奮的寫了這一段...可以參考前面的一篇(title 圖相同) 假如你知道 e.e.cummings 的詩 "I love my body when it is..." 妳可能還會笑得開心一些...呵呵
2007-05-29 21:15:17
Not sure yet.
But I will let u know ASAP.
親腳腳比較decent 也比較comic i thin 也比較comic i think ^^|